Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, September 27, 2007

How I Roll

I had lots of fun during my first, official bowling league night. It was pretty official, right down to the coaches and scorekeeping. I had a 57, with the bumpers in. I am getting really good at pushing the ball down really hard and trying to keep it in the middle. There was one other girl on my "league". We shared milk and cookies at the end of the game and shook hands. I am very excited to get a trophy in 6 weeks.

I have my rodeo at school tomorrow. I told Mom there would be real horses there, although she is doubting me a bit. This weekend, I will probably go help combine on Saturday. I've overheard Mom and Dad talking about a hotel and Sears tower and the museum. Hmmm...I wonder what they are up to? Maybe a surprise for me? We'll see!

We're going to go buy some outdoor fall decorations today. If it looks nice, maybe I'll have a pic to share later!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Mommy Guilt Trip

I was patiently waiting for mom to finish the blog and I fell asleep on the stairs. Mom feels pretty bad. At least she found me before I fell!

Go, Zach, Go!

Ok, maybe not. I don't know if we're ready for mobile-Zach yet. He still doesn't quite know what to do with himself other than to fall and flop over on his back. He really still despises being on his tummy.

Below are some videos of him, it has been awhile since he's gotten much attention around the blog.

I had a great Monday back at school and a fun weekend with Mom. Nothing exciting this week, just my usual stuff.


Screeeeeaming Baby

Begging to get out

Friday, September 21, 2007

Because it's Ladies Night....

...oh what a night! Dad and Zach were sent to the farm so Mom and I could have some girl time. Dad had to help out and we thought it was about time Zach got introduced to farming. Boy oh boy, did we have a busy day!

We started off by going to at least a dozen garage sales...a task much easier to accomplish with just one child and no baby in tow. Mom was on the hunt for a cast iron skillet. She didn't find one, but boy did I make out like a bandit! I had $5 from Aunt Cindy burning a hole in my pocket and I made good use of it. I got a book, a slinky, a lizard, and some misc Barbie toys. Some ladies at an estate sale thought I was so cute, so they gave me an adorable sea shell necklace and a crocheted pumpkin magnet! Wow!

Later, I had school in the afternoon. We learned about hand washing and germs. After school, we went bowling with Carson and Ashton. I had so much fun. Although, the guy had to come over a few times to give my ball a little nudge down the actually rolled backwards once or twice. There is a bowling league called "Milk and Cookies" starting up next week for kids my age. We get milk and cookies (duh), league shirts and trophies! I think mom may let me sign up.

After bowling, Mom and I went to dinner, shopping and then back to another restaurant for dessert. I think we got in and out of the car over 20 times today. Mom was just showing off since she didn't have Zach to lug in and out, but man, I am tired!

We're going to go watch a movie now. Zach & Dad will be back later tomorrow. I think we may go to the Orchard to meet Nicole and her nephew, Justin.

Hope you have a great weekend. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile...things were pretty quiet till today. Mom has a cute video of Zach to post later when she gets time.


Workin' the Nana Vicki leg kick

Elapsed time, 3 minutes

One person's trash is MY treasure!

I had the "Seefood" linguini

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Peoria's Most Wanted

Meet the Suspect:

Name: Katherine

Age: Freshly 4
Weight: 33 lbs when soaking wet

Height: Not quite tall enough for the roller coaster
Identifying features: Milk mustache.

Meet the Victim:

Name: Zach
Age: 7 months-ish
Weight: Close to his sister by now
Height: Tall enough to grow out of his carseat
Identifying features: Covered in spit up and a little stinky.

The crime is so horrendous, it need not be explained. The photos speak for themselves. Any leads to the suspects whereabouts, please call and her mommy will come pick her up. Justice must be served.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Get 'er Done

As you can see, I had a busy old weekend. Leah stopped by for a bit on Saturday. She is going to have a baby in March and came by to load up all our old baby stuff to take back to MN. They had an 11 hour drive and only half the day to spend in town, so we were happy to see her. Later, we went to a little get-together in her old neighborhood and I had fun playing with the other kids. Maybe Mom and I will make the trip to MN to visit them after the baby comes. There are babies sprouting up all over the place around here!

This morning, Mom and I were going to go to Church. No, I am not kidding. My school is actually located in a Church and Mom thought today was the day of their annual preschool service. I was so excited to see my teachers and friends and learn a bit about Church. After all, I have visited most of the major Churches in Europe; it is about time I visit one here in the U.S.! Well, we pulled up and Mom learned that the service is actually NEXT weekend. Oops. So rather than make me sit through an hour long service with no one but about a dozen old folks, we went to the park instead and played some soccer. I kept telling Mom that she was the "goldlady" and I was trying to score some "gold".

Later, we all hung out in the basement all day for the opening day of football. Mom and Dad worked on Nemo's new cage. It is quite big for just one tiny little piggie. Mom was mumbling about having to buy another pig to keep him company! The cage is pretty sweet. We put his food on the upper deck and made a cool ramp for him to go up. I decorated a hidey house for him and we put a hay dispenser in as well. The cage was really cheap and easy to make. Nemo seems happier already...his cage size has nearly quadrupled. He likes to run up the ramp and jump off the top level. We're still not sure what to do with him when we go on trips.

Speaking of trips, we're hoping to come North for a few days. We may leave on Thursday and come back Sunday.

Hope you had a super weekend and enjoyed the nice weather. I rode my gator all around yesterday and I am really good at weaving through the obstacle cones!

Later my peeps

It's bigger than Zach's crib!

Well, at least someone likes dollies around here....and tiaras....yikes. This was a completely candid photo, no prop-setting involved.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Not So Camera Shy

Judging by photos alone, one would assume Zach is an incredibly happy and silly baby. He is a pretty happy guy, but he has a temper too. The reason he is always smiling for the camera is that he learned how to be a camera ham about a month ago. He can be in the middle of a full-blown fit, but the second he sees that camera, his tears turn to smiles and he momentarily forgets about his misery. We've tried to sneak a photo of him just playing or concentrating, but as soon as he sees the "pre-flash" red light come on, he smiles in that fraction of a second right before it goes off. So mom turned off the flash today and got a few of him in mid-smile -- those milliseconds right before the flash went off.

He really loves to sit by me at the table. He is big enough for the wooden high chair now, but we still save that for special times since it doesn't have a tray and is pretty clunky.

I had a great 2nd day at school. Ryan and Leah are coming for a visit tomorrow. Other than that, we have no exciting plans. We haven't been to WI in two months -- hopefully soon because we need a little getaway for a couple days now and then or all the natives (i.e. Mom) get really restless (i.e. batpoop crazy). Oh yeah, I think Dad and I will build a new cage for Nemo this weekend; something a little roomier with vaulted ceilings, marble floors and stainless steel feeding dishes, perhaps.

Have a good weekend!

Grrr, you're not very sneaky.

Must. Smile. Quickly!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Yippee Ki Yo

Hi there. My friend Carson had his 4th birthday party today and it was a cowboy party. There was a lot of rootin' and tootin' going on. I've been having fun playing cowgirl all day. Yee haw.

I had a fun weekend at Grandma's. Grandma D took me to see some baby tigers, I even got to hold one. I was SO brave. I had a blast there and got to do all sorts of fun things.

Today was my first day of school. I just ran right in, told mom goodbye and put my backpack away. Mom was expecting at least a tiny bit of drama and whining, but she was still pretty proud of me. It is going to be an adjustment for all of us having to cart back and forth to preschool 3 afternoons a week. Zach finally has been taking predictable afternoon naps, but he may have to adapt his sleeping habits a bit.

Nemo the pig is still a little on the depressed side. Not sure what is going on. I think he'll just take awhile to warm up to us.

I better scoot of to bed. All 4 of us went to the store and got Dad's new TV tonight. It was quite the adventure pushing two carts -- one for the kids and one for the TV. Isn't it a bit excessive when your TV is bigger than your trunk? Oh well, it will be nice to watch the Bears downstairs now and be out of Mom's hair.

Have a good one!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Call Me Peter Pan

I am actually out of town right now, but posting this via my blackberry, so bear with me. Every hip four-year old nowadays has a blackberry, you know. I am begging for the IPhone, but the p's are too cheap.

Dad and I actually headed up to Grandma D's today. He wanted to help work on the combine and I just wanted to go and eat candy and watch TV -- is there any question? Zach still is feverish and fussy, so Mom and him hung back. From what I hear, it was not a fun day for them. In this picture, I was put on "Keep-the-baby-awake-detail." Neither him or I were too keen on that idea.

So the other day, I asked Mom what SHE was going to be when she grew up. She replied that she'd answer me when she turns 30. I told her I was going to be a farmer/astronaut. I'll use ethanol to power my rocket to outer space. Yay, biofuel. I later decided, I rather not grow up. I'm catching on that this kid gig is a pretty sweet deal.

We're a little concerned about Nemo. He isn't drinking any water and is not very social. If anyone has insight to Guinea Pig behavior, please enlighten us. I had been making Mom clean the poop out of his cage hourly. Come to find out, he is actually supposed to eat his own droppings. Blech. Mom is happy to put the pooper-scooper down, but it is pretty gross.

Have a stupendous Labor Day. Here's hoping there is no labor involved.
