Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, November 27, 2011

O' Christmas Tree...Please don't fall off our Rooooof!

Mom ALSO decided this year we're going to start getting real Christmas trees. She must be on a Holiday kick now that we're getting older. I protested profusely because I didn't want to cut down a tree. After some convincing and promises that a new one would be planted in the old one's honor, I reluctantly agreed. We were lucky the temps were in the 40s and all we had to deal with was a little mud. We found a place about 5 miles from the house which worked out well. They did not have a great selection of trees, but being our first time, we weren't very picky. Mom and us probably would've been happy with one of the first dozen we saw, but we spent about half an hour chasing Dad around the fields so he could have a look at every single one. It's a good thing because I'd have to say we did end up finding the perfect tree. It was HUGE but we helped Dad cut it and he tied it down the best he could. The car ride home was nerve wracking as the darn thing kept sliding backwards off the roof and Sam (who was VERY good during the process), was screaming at the very tippity top of his lungs the entire ride home. Not to mention the line of cars behind us on the highway, not happy to be going 30mph on a 55mph road!! Mom kept singing and smiling. Zach had his ears plugged. I was frowning. Sam was screaming. And Dad was just trying to ignore it all I think. He had to pull over once to tie 'er back down but we made it home finally! One last trimming and it was up in the house. We decorated it later that night and it smells amazing. We all agreed after the fact, it was definitely worth it!


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