Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, April 25, 2011

Eggscellent Birthdays

It has been a busy week for us. We had spring break last week. We started off at Grandma D's on Sat-Tues. The weather didn't cooperate, but we did get to go see Rio, bake some cookies and spend lots of time with both Grandma and Grandpa. They even said we didn't fight too badly and can come back again sometime, whew! When we got back home, the bad weather kept on coming, so we had to get a little creative. We went to Monkey Joe's with some friends, did some shopping and some reorganizing around the house. Friday was Dad's birthday. Since it was Good Friday, he was off work. He had a lot of appointments to go to, Mom booked up his schedule, but he was finally able to relax with us. We went to Kelleher's for dinner and had cherry chip cake for dessert. Mom surprised him with an Ipad 2. It took a lot of hunting to track it down, but we think it will be a good addition for work and play. On Saturday, Dad put together Zach's new furniture and did some small things to get the baby's room in order. All we have left to do is get the old dresser out, the curtains up and the decals on the wall. Mom freaks out everytime she washes and puts baby clothes away. She ordered some bottles the other day and got really's really becoming a reality, only 8 weeks to go!

On Easter Sunday we awoke to find that the bunny hid some eggs around the house for us and gave us some sweet dinosaur baskets and candy. We had planned on staying home again this year, but our cousin Benjamin was going to have some cake at the farm for his 3rd birthday, so we were excited to go see him. It finally turned out to be a nice day and we had an egg hunt outside with cake and presents afterwards. Everyone brought some food and we had a nice meal. It's too bad he doesn't live closer, we sure had a blast together.

Mom almost sent us to school today, but she double checked our calendar at the last minute and realized classes don't resume until TUESDAY! Boy that would have stunk! So we tagged along to her Dr. appt today, spent our Easter money at the store and played for hours with this new bubbling, messy car-wash thing that Zach got. There's water everywhere, but at least it kept us entertained while Mom caught up on laundry.

Hope you had a Happy Easter and a relaxing weekend. Back to the grind for me tomorrow, watchout!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Showers...

...never seem to stop. Oh well, at least it's not snow like in Wisconsin right now. Mom is supposed to go pick us up from the farm today, but she is not thrilled about driving in the storms. Maybe we just need to stay there for the rest of spring break :) Mom and Dad got a lot done the last few days with us gone. Mom was hoping to wait to do the baby's room until after he was born and the company had disappeared. But the nesting instincts got the better of her and she put Dad to work this weekend. There is now a crib where the guest bed used to be and slowly, babyish type things are making there way in the room. All the baby clothes are washed and ready to go. We ordered some sweet new furniture for Zach so we can steal his dresser and chair. Good thing she started now because the whole process of curtains and decorating is taking a lot of energy, something that is in ample supply now, but probably won't be later! Zach and I are having fun from what Grandma says, but the weather really put a damper on things. She took us to a movie, but otherwise we just stayed at the house and were lazy. After we get back today, it's going to be a challenge to keep us busy for the rest of the week! Fluffy definitely misses us. He's been attacking Mom and getting into trouble to make up for it. He's been spending a lot of time in the garage. After his leap into the baby crib yesterday, he's riding his last life around here. Tick tock, Fluffy, tick tock.

So baby brother was about 2 and 1/2 pounds last week. Mom is in the third trimester and still feeling pretty good overall, even though the weight is starting to pile on since she had to stop going to the gym and it just always seems to happen around this time. She's going for sonos now every two weeks, so we're getting lots of fun pics of baby. She's still on track with 9 weeks to go.

April has been a fun month for all of us. I had the father daughter dance with Dad last week. I also have had loads of birthday parties to go to and Grandparents Day at school with Nana. Zach has had some playdates with friends, parties and he's wrapping up his school year. His preschool show will be on May 5th. Mom and Zach have been hitting the garage sales hard and stocking up for baby since she got rid of EVERYTHING!!! Zach got some fancy cowboy boots for a quarter and various other odds and ends.

Dad's got a birthday coming up on Friday and then we'll have Easter to look forward to, just the 4 of us at home this year. We really want to get going on the garden here, but until it dries up, we're going to wait. I'm ok with that since I know I'll be designated weed puller around here, Mom doesn't bend over unless she absolutely has to!

Ta ta for now, hope you are staying dry/warm and thinking springy thoughts!
