Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Here are some pics of me making an Easter Basket today after my nap.

Mis-Adventures of a Mommy in France

I think I am destined to acheive nationwide humiliation before I leave this country.

Yesterday, I picked Katherine up from school. Her teacher said (In French) that Katherine had to go caca, but was too late and had an accident in her undies.

To which I replied "Oui, c'est la meme pour moi", which translates to "Yes, it is the same for me". Basically saying I poo myself.

After an initial look of shock, the teachers got a good laugh out of me and I ran out the door with my face buried in my coat. Ironically, I almost peed myself.

Then today, I went to the grocery store. For some reason, I "beep" everytime I go through the security panels. Yes, this is a grocery store & high-security is needed to deter potential food-theifs. Excuse me sir, is that a baguette in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

So upon entry, the guy waved me through and said no big deal...must be my shoes. When checking out at the cash register, I walked through to demonstrate it was me and nothing in my cart. She told me I was "radioactif" and laughed, I did not. I told her I had a metal plate in my head. That must've gotten lost in translation because she didn't laugh or maybe she felt bad for me. And oh yeah, she already thought I was pregnant because I was in the "priority lane" reserved for invalids and pregnant women (same thing in France)...too bad I was just in a hurry and happen to be carrying around 10 extra pounds. I can pull it off if I stick my gut out.

I thought that was the end of it, but then she called a French Rent-a-Cop with bad B.O. over to talk to me. He made me walk through two more times and the people in line behind me were either really amused or really irritated...possibly both. After explaining that this always happens to me, he asked to check my coat and pockets. Fortunately, no latex gloves were donned by anyone.

As I am standing there, being violated by Monsieur Rent-a-Cop, he says "Vous etes Anglais?" (You are English?).

I said "No, American, big difference sir". I love to proclaim loudly "Je suis Americane!". I should've said "Duh, look at my teeth, do I LOOK British?"

After a sincere apology for accusing me of being British, he proceeding to insult me further by saying, "Ahhh...Texas!" Apparantly since Texas is as big as France they assume we all live there on Mr. Dubya's ranch and go pheasant hunting with Dick Cheney.

I said "Non, a pres de Chicago" (close to Chicago).

To which he replied "Ah oui...Chicago...Al Capone!" and proceeded to make a machine gun gesture and noise with his hands while searching me. Not fun to have a rent-a-cop making gun sounds.

What's with the French & Al Capone? Ever hear of Oprah, Michael Jordan, Sammy Sosa or Walter-freakin'-Payton?? Alan's barber is quite fond of the gangster too, and has a photo of him in his barber shop (Al Capone, not Al D). This is the same barber Alan says I am not allowed to meet due to "IHFS" -- Irregularily-Hunky-French-Syndrome.

Lately, the humiliating encounters seem to be happening more than when we first arrived. Maybe I am being punished for never making an effort to learn French? Maybe karma is paying me back? Or maybe I should just laugh it off. I think that is the only thing I can do if I'm going to make it through these last few months! Until then, I think it is time to make Alan do the shopping ;)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, after a beautiful weekend, we've been hit with April Showers early. We were supposed to go get a new sandbox, but the weather has not been ideal. So we've been keeping busy with Easter crafts and coloring. There is some new video of me dancing HERE. When the music was turned off, THIS is what happened. I'm sure you will think mommy is mean for taping me crying, I do too. I got over it fast though! School is going well and we have a playgroup later this week. Daddy is trying to decide between 2 jobs and having a rough time, so send some insightful vibes his way, please! A bientot! ~Katherine

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring has Sprung

Hi All,

We had a beautiful weekend. It was sunny most of the time and hanging around 70 degrees. I helped mom and dad with some yardwork and played. All I have is a boring slide, so I think we may get a swingset or a sandbox this week. I started back to school today. I wasn't too sad, but seemed a little hesitant. We had daylight savings time change this weekend, so I was pretty tired this morning and so was mom. Saturday night, we went to a going-away party for one of daddy's coworkers. Everyone was French but us, so it was a good experience and they really got a kick out me. I had fun playing with the big kids and running around outside. I stayed up till 1am that night! Have a good Monday and a good week. ~Katherine

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We'll always have Italy...

Hi! Well we made it back, safe and sound today. It was a great trip, but we are thoroughly exhausted and glad to be done. Rome was pretty crazy; lots of traffic, walking and tourists. Mommy will work on the website and put all the pics up soon. I did really well and was very good at the hotels and restaurants. My favorite thing was probably all the pretty fountains in Rome. I also liked going to the Colliseum and pretending there were lions down in the pits below. I ate a lot of pasta and eggs and learned to say "ciao" and "grazie" really well. Maybe someday in my life I'll get back there again, but for now, I'll just work on my French. See you later...


Friday, March 17, 2006

Adventures in Florence

Ciao everyone! We are having a great time! Yesterday we went and saw the sculpture of David and it was really big...10ft tall at least! Then we climbed the Duomo in Florence, the largest cupola in the world and we climbed all 465 steps to the top...I rode in the backpack with Daddy. Then we went to Pisa and saw the famous leaning tower and it was incredible! It really looks like it is about to fall over. Today, we took a private tour of Tuscany. We stopped at a couple wineries and olive oil farms. Mommy bought ALOT of wine and oil..not sure how we will get it back to France! Then we drove through the Chianti countryside. Then we stopped in a couple towns like Siena and San G. It was a great day and our tourguide, Alessandro was so nice. Tonight we will relax and head to Rome tomorrow afternoon. I am being SO good and love to say ciao and grazie to everyone. I cannot post pics, but will when we get back. Will write more later... Katherine.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hasta la Pasta


Here's a pic of me with Ben & Baby Lucy. We had a playgroup at my house today. Mommy and I made scones for everyone and we all had a good time. We are all packed and ready for our big Italy trip. We fly to Rome tomorrow, then take a train to Florence and we'll spend 3 days there. Then we go BACK to Rome and finish off there and fly back next Wednesday. I am excited to fly on an airplane again, although I'm convinced we're going to Grandma's house since that is where we always go when we get on a plane! I don't think I'll be able to upload photos there, but hopefully we can login and update the blog once or twice. Ciao for now!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Beads and Buddies

Hi! Hope ya'll had a good weekend. Last night, the Bakers' came over for dinner. Us three kids played so well together, all the way up till midnight when they left! We had fun playing with the mardi gras beads that Nana Vicki sent. I got to talk to Nana and Papa on the phone yesterday and that was pretty neat. Today is really windy and cold, so we're staying indoors and cleaning. Mommy and I might be back in May to buy or build a house near Dad's work. But we're not 100% sure yet, so don't hold your breath. We'll keep you posted on our plans. We're going to wait until after our Italy trip to decide for sure.

Bon Weekend!

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Gig is Up

So I suppose it is time we reveal a deep-rooted family secret. Alan is not really Alan, but Lance Armstrong. At least according to the waiter today at lunch. We were at Charley's Diner (the only place in Grenoble to get a decent burger) and when we left, the waiter told Alan that "vous resemble Lance Armstrong". Ok. I missed this as I was in the bathroom. So there you have it. We haven't been here on a CAT assignment, but really Lance (aka Alan) has been here training and biking, hiding in disguise of a computer programmer. It took a French waiter to figure it out that the real Lance is living in France. Needless to say, you now know why Sheryl Crow was left broken-hearted. I'll let you make the connection:

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Camera Happy

Here are a few random pics from this week.

Me at school with the robot creation for carnivale

Grrrr...snap into a Slim Jim

Ice cream face

Monday, March 06, 2006

Snow Surprise

We were surprised to wake up to a few inches of the fluffy stuff Sunday morning. I think it snowed back home, too. Daddy took me out for a bit. I made another snowman, went sledding down the hill in our yard and had a snowball fight with mommy...from the inside! She stood in the house and we pelted the windows with snowballs. She sure acted like they hurt a lot. Other than that, it was a pretty quiet weekend. We went out for Mexican food Saturday night, but mostly hung around the house otherwise. It is looking fairly certain that we'll be back in August. Mommy and I may even come back a month early. Daddy has 3 interviews this week. We still haven't found out if we'll be coming back in May on a business trip or not. I sure hope so. July or August would be a really long time to go without seeing my family or friends back home. Mommy says we're going to Italy next week. I am excited to go fly on an airplane again and brush up on my Italian and eat some gelato....Arreviderci!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fridays are for Friends

I had a great playdate with Addie today. Her little brother, Adam, is growing so fast and he really likes to laugh and smile at me. Addie and I made really cool door-hangers out of paper and stickers. We also colored and played with flashcards. I sure like playing with has been hard lately because it seems one of us is always sick! I'm coming down with a cold, but nothing too bad so far. Have a good weekend! ~Katherine

A Pirate's Life for Me

Hi. Ever since Nana Vicki sent me a book about pirates, I've been fascinated with them. So mommy and I made this silly costume today. My hook is kind of lame, I know. I loved going around the house, searching for treasure and saying "arrrgh matey". We haven't found any real treasure yet, but my trusty map will show me the way. Have a good day, me hearties! ~Katherine

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Playing Pretend

Hi! Gabi came over this afternoon for just a little bit. She pretended to turn me into a princess by putting make-up and nail polish on me. Then we went to a princess party. It is lots of fun to play with her, she has a great imagination. Daddy took his friends back to the airport today. Other than that, not much else is new here! School was fun today and I painted a lot of pictures.
