Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Sorry I have not posted for awhile, it has been quite a busy week. We had 2 playgroups, 2 school days and lots of running around in between. Mom and dad met with the movers and looks like they will be packing us up July 17th and we will leave the next week. We're lined up to sell most of our stuff, but having a hard time selling our cars but we still have a few weeks left for that. Mom has been busy cleaning out closets and Dad is busy making sure all the paperwork is lined up to get us out of here smoothly. And I'm just busy being cute and taking time to stop and smell the roses!

Here are a few funny things that have come out of my mouth lately:

"I had eye-boogers at school, but I got 'em out!"

"No thank-you with sugar on top"

"But I always say please for ice cream!" (When being told to use her manners)

"Daddy, your boobies are small!"

"Hey you meteors, stay up in the sky!" (Worried about what happened to the dinosaurs)

Me and my friend Frieda at playgroup

Snuggling with Erin

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Big Kids

We had a nice weekend. Between BBQ's and get-togethers, mom and dad got some things ready for the move and I played outside a lot. I got to see all of my friends this weekend and had some late nights followed by even later mornings. Here is a pic of my dad and Addie's dad horsing around at Addie's house. They look like clowns at the circus! Also here is me taking time to smell the roses.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Latest Exhibition

A little art to inspire you on Wednesday. I actually learned something in cousin Tara's class! I called the thing on the right a kitty.

Monday, June 19, 2006

WHAT?!? I Missed a Party?!?

Boy was I bummed to find out that we couldn't go to Uncle Adam's party. I talked about it all day. But Nana Vicki sent some pics and I liked looking at those. He is holding the card I made for him in the first picture. He left for Iraq yesterday and has a long road of travel ahead of him. I got to talk to him on the phone for a little bit. Pretty soon it will be MY birthday party and I will be home for that...woohoo!

For anybody that remembers, the false answer to my quiz two weeks ago was "My Zodiac sign is Leo". I am actually a Virgo. Half of everyone guessed right. I do have freckles now on my nose and I was a breech babe.

Have a good Monday.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Props to my Pops

Hope you all called your dads today and paid your respects. I had a great weekend with my dad. He let me help turn my crib into a big girl bed...finally, almost 3 and I get out of the crib! And then today he took me on a hike and let me help him work outside. I love how my dad always makes time for me, even when he's busy. And he's patient with me when mommy sometimes is not. So here's a little recap of me and dad this year. Granted, it isn't all of them, but a few good ones.

Friday, June 16, 2006

No Spelunking for Me!

Hi. We got back a day early today. The weather was very cloudy and all we had planned was the beach, so we decided to get home early and get a good night's sleep...the beds there were a bit stiff. I slept on a bunk bed by myself the whole time. It was nice renting the apartment and having our own kitchen and living room; we definitely were not as cramped as we usually are. We went to a waterpark on Tuesday, saw some gorges on Wednesday which we paddleboated through, did the beach on Thursday and hung out at the hotel pool. I am happy to be back with my toys and back in my house, but I'm a little crabby right now and ready for bed! It is hard to believe our last European vacation is over already. Mom will try to get the pictures on the website this weekend. Here is a picture of my reaction to the cave we saw when paddling through the gorges. It was spooky!
Ciao! ~Katherine

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ou est la Plage?

Where's the beach? Everywhere! I'm surrouded by it. Not much time to post, but having a blast in the South and doing lots of swimming, sunning and eating. Tomorrow we are going to a waterpark!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Viva Italia!

We don't really follow the World Cup, but figured we should root for someone...the store didn't have any USA jersey dresses, so we chose Italy instead. That'll be sure to get some looks here!

I had a pretty good week. We got pictures taken at school on Wednesday and we should get to see them in a week or two. I had playgroup at my house today and all my friends had so much fun. It got warm enough yesterday that we could get the baby pool out for just a little bit. We leave for the South tomorrow. We're renting an apartment for the week...should be fun with lots of lazy beach time! Mommy doesn't know if we'll have internet there or not....



Sunday, June 04, 2006

Just Tooling Around

Here's me helpin' dad fix the mower. Good thing he has me around to make sure he doesn't lose another finger! I kept a close eye on him, don't worry.

Exit -- Stage Right

What a fun weekend it has been so far! Last night the Wilhelm family welcomed us to their Church which was hosting a Karaoke was an English Church, so no funny Frenchies belting out YMCA tunes (unfortunately). I had a great time playing with the other kids, snarfing pizza and being a ham. Mom joined a couple other women on stage and I decided to come on stage too, but then I fell off, right on my head and kinda ruined my first shot at stardom. No American Idol for me. Fortunately, my wipeout was a good diversion from Mom's attempt at singing Mountain Music...the crowd was grateful.

Today, we joined the Wilhelms again and hiked to an Auberge (refuge/hostel) in the Vercors mountain chain. We had the BEST alpine food like sausages simmered in onions and wine, ravioles stuffed with morille mushrooms, walnut salad, potatoes and good bread and wine. I don't quite think the hike compensated for all the calories consumed, but it was fun and a beautiful day. Dad has tomorrow off -- yet another French Holiday -- so we will have more fun in store after I get home from school.

Hope you had a good one.....~Katherine

The Auberge les Alliers

The Hills Are Alive....

Hitchin' a ride

Stopping forbidden...Danger!

View on the way down

Friday, June 02, 2006

Calling Mr Wizard

We made some mini-volcanos today. I was quite shocked when the vinegar bubbled over. My exact words were "Oh no! Watch out for the lava!" What a bubbling good time!

So you think you know moi?

Playgroup was a bust today due to the host having pink-eye, so mom took me to the park instead. I was SO excited for playgroup and even picked out a dress to wear, so I was very bummed when it was cancelled. Not a whole lot happening here in France to report....still the same with stinky cheese and even stinkier people. So since the news is 'bout another round of trivia?

Getting out some aggression

How well do you know me? Which one is false?
My middle name is Margaret
I was a breech baby
I have freckles on my nose
My zodiac sign is Leo
My favorite book is Cat in the Hat
I have been to six countries
My parents thought about naming me Lauren
I like robots and dinosaurs