Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, September 21, 2007

Because it's Ladies Night....

...oh what a night! Dad and Zach were sent to the farm so Mom and I could have some girl time. Dad had to help out and we thought it was about time Zach got introduced to farming. Boy oh boy, did we have a busy day!

We started off by going to at least a dozen garage sales...a task much easier to accomplish with just one child and no baby in tow. Mom was on the hunt for a cast iron skillet. She didn't find one, but boy did I make out like a bandit! I had $5 from Aunt Cindy burning a hole in my pocket and I made good use of it. I got a book, a slinky, a lizard, and some misc Barbie toys. Some ladies at an estate sale thought I was so cute, so they gave me an adorable sea shell necklace and a crocheted pumpkin magnet! Wow!

Later, I had school in the afternoon. We learned about hand washing and germs. After school, we went bowling with Carson and Ashton. I had so much fun. Although, the guy had to come over a few times to give my ball a little nudge down the actually rolled backwards once or twice. There is a bowling league called "Milk and Cookies" starting up next week for kids my age. We get milk and cookies (duh), league shirts and trophies! I think mom may let me sign up.

After bowling, Mom and I went to dinner, shopping and then back to another restaurant for dessert. I think we got in and out of the car over 20 times today. Mom was just showing off since she didn't have Zach to lug in and out, but man, I am tired!

We're going to go watch a movie now. Zach & Dad will be back later tomorrow. I think we may go to the Orchard to meet Nicole and her nephew, Justin.

Hope you have a great weekend. Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile...things were pretty quiet till today. Mom has a cute video of Zach to post later when she gets time.


Workin' the Nana Vicki leg kick

Elapsed time, 3 minutes

One person's trash is MY treasure!

I had the "Seefood" linguini


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