Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Call Me Peter Pan

I am actually out of town right now, but posting this via my blackberry, so bear with me. Every hip four-year old nowadays has a blackberry, you know. I am begging for the IPhone, but the p's are too cheap.

Dad and I actually headed up to Grandma D's today. He wanted to help work on the combine and I just wanted to go and eat candy and watch TV -- is there any question? Zach still is feverish and fussy, so Mom and him hung back. From what I hear, it was not a fun day for them. In this picture, I was put on "Keep-the-baby-awake-detail." Neither him or I were too keen on that idea.

So the other day, I asked Mom what SHE was going to be when she grew up. She replied that she'd answer me when she turns 30. I told her I was going to be a farmer/astronaut. I'll use ethanol to power my rocket to outer space. Yay, biofuel. I later decided, I rather not grow up. I'm catching on that this kid gig is a pretty sweet deal.

We're a little concerned about Nemo. He isn't drinking any water and is not very social. If anyone has insight to Guinea Pig behavior, please enlighten us. I had been making Mom clean the poop out of his cage hourly. Come to find out, he is actually supposed to eat his own droppings. Blech. Mom is happy to put the pooper-scooper down, but it is pretty gross.

Have a stupendous Labor Day. Here's hoping there is no labor involved.



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