Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

March Madness

 Actually, there wasn't too much madness around here.  We enjoyed some REALLY warm temps in the eighties and played outside a ton and even got to go on the neighbor's waterslide at the end of the month.  Zach and Sam took a trip to Chuck E Cheese with some pals.  St Patrick's Day was fun with green eggs and ham for breakfast.  Sam had his nine month pics taken and they turned out really well.  He was sleeping much better for the most part and starting to scoot around on the floor quite a bit although his biggest frustration is not being able to keep up with the big kids.  We visited with Grandma and Grandpa when they got back from their trip and celebrated Grandma's birthday with her.  Mom and Dad even got a couple date nights in this month.  I brought home straight A's on my report card and kept really busy with some fun Girl Scout activities, piano and school.  Mom got to finally help out at one of Zach's preschool parties.  They had fun doing Easter crafts and eating cupcakes with the other kids.  Nana went to Florida with a friend and got to visit Papa Miller.  He is ready to come back to WI already, he says it's really, really hot there!  Mom joined a book club and is having fun getting out of the house more now that Sam does so well without her.  That's about it that we can recall!  We're all ready for Spring and enjoying the warm weather so far.


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