Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Did we Mention....

We have another kid around here now? It's only been a month and Mom is finally getting around to blogging it. Poor bloggy-blog. I think it is dying a slow death, a slow, Facebook-induced death. Hey that will be fun to read about in 20 years..."remember Facebook?" It will be like the Atari and jelly shoes of my generation....but waaaaay bigger.

So Samuel was born on June 22nd with no problems at all. The biggest problem we had was Mom having to have a roommate. You'd think they switched babies as upset as she was. It only lasted about 36 hours, but felt much longer. Sam and Mom did great though. It was a long, tiring, three days in the hospital. Once they got home, Dad took the following week off of work and helped out. Mom and Sam hunkered down upstairs and got to know each other. Go figure the kid can nurse like a champ. Took 3 tries, but one of us finally got it figured out -- and he was the only kid who wasn't breech, what a smartie! The following week when Dad went back to work, Mom had a rough go of things, but it got better. Us kids were pretty good, but she just couldn't figure out how to spend time with us all. Zach and I then went to Grandma Doty's for a few days and then came back and I think it's safe to say we've all kind of eased into a bit of a "routine", and I use that word loosely. Not even a routine really, just a general acceptance of imperfection. We had some visitors come and go over the weeks, had some meals brought over and some help with the kids, so Mom is very grateful for that. She's also quite grateful he was such a good boy when we went to the cabin last weekend.

As of right now, heading into week 4, Sam is carving out his niche around here. He's not a fan of being put down, ever. He usually can be found in the sling or in someone's arms, even at night. He is not a fan of the swing, but we found in a pinch today that the carseat on top of the dryer works wonders. Mom REALLY wanted to soak up some sun outside and it was just too hot for him to be out there. He's still nursing well, but he still likes to do it every 2 hours during the day, but he's nice enough to stretch it out to 3-4 hours at night for Mom. Until his little belly grows some more, that's probably how it will be. His birthweight was 6lbs 15oz, he left the hospital at 6lbs 5oz, and was 7lbs 1oz at his last visit. We'll go back this week for another check up.

In other news, it's hard to believe that there are only a few weeks left until school starts on August 16th. I have two full free weeks and then a math summer school program in early August. Whoooopdeedoo! I'm not too excited for that other than the fact I have a friend going with me. The weather is going to be ridonkulously hot this week, so at least Mom doesn't have to feel like she needs to cart us all over to activities. She took us to the bicycle safety park last week by herself. It was challenging getting all of us, our gear, our bikes and our food loaded up and transported 30 minutes away, but we all survived and even had fun.

That's a little bit of news from here. More to come later, but the baby beckons again....
