Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Cheers to the New Year!

We can't believe it's 2011 already. The month of December went by SO fast and here we are in a post Holiday Hangover with cookie bellies. It's January 5th and Mom and the tree are having a standoff. The tree certainly isn't going to undecorate itself and Mom has no motivation to do it, so we'll see if a new record gets set this year for the longest the decorations stay up.

We had a great Christmas. Up to WI the week before to get together with the Miller side, back to home where Nana, Papa and Adam joined us on Christmas Eve and then off to the Doty's on Christmas Day. My big gifts this year were a Magic Kit and a Nintendo DS. Ironically the thing I've been playing with the most have been my Lincoln Logs and horses. Zach's big gifts were a new Thomas the Train set and a Cars Scooter. He plays with the Thomas set a lot, the scooter will have to wait until it gets warmer. The gifts weren't too excessive this year and we're still taking some out of the packages, so the excitement hasn't worn off yet. As for NYE, Mom and Dad stayed home this year (the karaoke bars are thankful for that), we grilled steaks on the 55 degree day, watched A-Team and I stayed up until midnight, woot!

This first week back to school has been KILLER. I've been very tired, cranky and have a touch of a cold, so I'm ready for the weekend to come. After 17 days of us ALL home, Mom is enjoying getting back into a routine and having her precious 2.5 hours of alone time on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The Holiday Break went pretty well though. We went sledding at ButtCrack hill, to see Tangled at the movies, started watching the Star Wars hexology (?), swimming and did LOTS of arts and crafts at home. Even got mostly done with my 540 piece spherical Earth puzzle thanks to Mom. Dad was a good boy, stayed out of Mom's hair and let her sleep in every day as late as she pleased!

That's all I got for now. It's no secret the next 2 months are going to be long and boring. Once football ends we're really going to be bored. We're looking forward to Zach's birthday at the end of the month to break things up. Other than that...well...we'll just look out the window for awhile!

Ciao for now,

Christmas Eve and time to send Buddy home

It's called butt crack hill because there is a big divide in the middle of the hill that sucks you in, classy huh?