Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, February 25, 2008

Emphasis on SIT

Someone needs to tell Zach that it isn't a Stand n' 'Spin! He thinks he is hot stuff when he climbs on and pulls a "look ma, no hands!". He still isn't walking yet. As a matter of fact, he's gone further away from the challenge. He was taking a step here and there and trying, but now he just sticks to crawling. He's cutting his top 4 teeth right now (as you can see by the drool) and not really up for too many adventures, other than standing on moving turntables!

I hope you enjoy my latest creation below. The herbivores needed to borrow Barbie's equipment to help fend off the meat eaters. It was quite the show down.

Mom took me to the planetarium here on Sunday. I really loved the movie they showed on the dome. It was about the universe and the part where they showed the dinos when the meteor hit was REALLY cool. The T-Rex jumped forward on the screen and looked really lifelike, I thought he was going to bite us!

We had a quiet weekend otherwise; I did some painting and played outside a bit. This week is more of the same routine. We're finally all recovered from stomach flu and Dad somehow was lucky enough not to get it. I'm learning about Kentucky Bluegrass music at school and having fun going around playing my pretend fiddle.

That's all for now from Illinois. Have a great week and think warm thoughts!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Enough Already!

I think I speak for everyone when I yell at Old Man Winter to lay off already! We've been fortunate here. Our brown grass seems a dreary positive compared to the mountains of snow up North. We had to drive through quite a mess this morning to make it to the interstate. To top it off, I had a pukey bug that has left me feeling rather blah. I won't go into details, but let's just say hot dogs, mac n' cheese and choco milk make for yucky clean-up. I am napping off my illness now and catching up on rest since I was getting my hair washed in a sink in the middle of the night last night! This is for the birds.

On a positive note, we had a nice relaxing, lazy weekend. I had fun at Aunt Corrie's and love the homemade crayons that Ashley, Katie and I made. We all kind of vegged out all weekend. Katie and I tried to sled, but the snow just wouldn't cooperate, but we had fun nonetheless.

Back to our usual grind this week. I am looking forward to school on Wednesday.

Happy Pres Day!


Papa Miller's house last week, hope it melts before he comes back from FL!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Then and Now

Looking at these pictures of us really hits it home about how much changes in just one short year.

And looking at the snow banks in Nana Vicki's driveway hits it home about how much snow "a lot of snow" really is!

Later taters!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Hearts Day

Hope you are having a special day. I'm off to get my haircut. Zach gave us a little sneek peek a boo peak today even though he had stomach flu last night and is still a little yucky feeling today.

Mom: "What do you want to do with your Valentine's Day"
K: "I want to eat candy"
Mom: "I SAID what do you want to DO, not what do you want to EAT!"
K: "Eating is doing and I want to eat candy!"

Hugs and Kisses

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Katherine Comedy Hour

Just a warning that your sides may very well split open if you watch the video below. Two words: comic. genius. I'll be here all week ladies and gents!

Valentine celebrations are in full force around here. I had a school party Monday, a gym party yesterday AND a playgroup party here today. I now have a surplus of Vday candy to add to my stockpiles from Halloween and Christmas. I had to write out a total of 38 valentine cards for friends and teachers. Mom broke them up into batches and I worked on a few everyday since last week. I was getting pretty goofy by the end, alternating my upper and lower case and changing the color of my pen. Katherine is a LONG name to write, but I was a trooper.

We have my parent-teacher conference today. I am excited to see what the teacher has to show and tell Mom about all the fun I've had so far this year.

Tomorrow should be a quiet day around here. We're heading to WI Friday-Monday since I have a long weekend due to Presidents' Day and conferences. I hope it warms up this weekend so I can sled in all that snow Nana talks about.

Zach is doing well and standing by himself a lot. He LOVES to play peek-a-boo. All the time, with the constant peeking and the booing. He wears me out. We'll have to try to capture it on video today.

Have a great day and an extra sweet one tomorrow


Friday, February 08, 2008

Picture Perfect

Mom's not much of a photographer, which is a shame because the view of all the snow in our backyard was quite beautiful today. Not too much (like at Nana's!), but just enough to make everything look shiny, bright and crisp. It warmed up to 40 today, so it melted fast, but it was pretty while it lasted. I heard it was good "snowman snow", so I was bummed that I didn't get a chance to play in it. All of our snow thus far has been too dry for packing.

I've really been mastering my computer skills lately. I'm still dictating the blog to Mom, but I've gotten pretty handy at the mouse and the whole clicky-draggy-double-clicky-scroll action. Mom's kind of anti-video game anything, but Dad convinced her I needed to start learning some skills before Kindergarten. For anyone with kids, or any kids at heart, and have some great educational games. My most favorite show ever is Word World on PBS and they have fun spelling and phonics games on their website.

I was telling Mom today how cousin Katie and Ashely were trying to get me to kiss a Gnome butt at Christmas time. Care to fess up anyone? I did NOT want to tell her and stopped talking really fast, but she pried it out of me. My story may have been a little mixed up, so Mom is curious as to what happened. You can go to jail for Gnome abuse, you know. Sorry to rat you out guys.

We're going to go visit Grandma D on Sunday and then work on my Valentines for the rest of the weekend. I have to have 40 between school and gymnastics, better be ready for writer's cramp!

Later, My Gnomies


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Walking Wagers

Blog traffic has been a bit slow lately. So we'll spice things up a bit with a poll. Been a long time since we've done that. So, if anyone can correctly guess the time when Zach starts walking, they will win a SUPER, DUPER, big grand prize. Cast your votes now. For those of you that haven't seen him in awhile, well, good luck!

If you check out the Roller Den website, scroll down to the very bottom of the party page and check me out in all my limbo glory. Being short sure has its advantages!

The snow has finally started to come down here in Central Illinois. I am at school now, but I sure hope Mom can make it back to pick me up!

When will Zach walk?
February 8th
February 14th
February 21st
February 28th
March 6th
March 12th
Free polls from

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Still too Small...

One of the perks to being a big sister is getting to do fun, big kid things. Like going outside early in the morning to "help" Dad clear the driveway. We got 4-6 inches the other day. May not sound like a lot to you Northerners, but for us, that's quite the snowfall - they even canceled school! Zach had fun watching me and yelling at me through the glass. Mom took us both out later and he loved the snow, but he kept trying to eat it and go face first into it. It sure is fun to play on the swingset in the winter, talk about a super-slippery slide.

Mom and Dad drug me out furniture shopping today. Bleh! Then I had to take a nap. Double bleh! I had to miss bowling last Wednesday, so Mom was nice enough to take me to make-up bowl this morning. I am learning how to hold the ball and throw it like the big kids do. I drop the ball sometimes, but I'm getting better. I am excited for the Superbowl tomorrow, I keep saying the Giants will win. But I guess that's because realistically, Giants sound a lot tougher than Patriots. I mean they're Giants for goodness sake! There is a Musical Education expo tomorrow, that we may go to if Mom and I get bored. We keep talking about starting an instrument here soon, but we haven't really acted on it yet. We're kind of enjoying not being so busy this winter and not having to run around in the cold weather so much.

I forgot to mention last week that if you are looking for 1yr professional photos of Zach, you'll be waiting awhile. Zach was terrified of the photographer. He cried for all of them. So Mom doesn't know what she's going to do. I TOLD her she should've brought me along for smiles, but she didn't listen. Go figure!

Have a great weekend!