Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wascally Wabbits

Hop, Hop, Hoppy Easter to you. I hope you had a very egg-citing day. You totally knew Mom couldn't get through the day without throwing some kind of egg-ism out there. The best play on words of the Holiday were the little napkins we bought that have a little cat in a bucket....they say "Here Comes Peter, Cat in Pail". Mom liked them more than me.

I had a super weekend. Nana and Papa came Saturday. They took me to McDonalds for dinner while Mom and Dad went out by themselves. I wonder what they possibly could've had to talk about without us there? They had fun...a little too much fun and Mom kept grumbling all day Sunday about being too old to have that kind of "fun" anymore. Good thing dinner was simple because Mom was about as sharp as a bowling ball today. I was pretty egg-cited to wake up and find carrot bits by the fireplace (yes, he comes down the same chute as Santa) and to see my Easter basket tipped over...eggless! The hunt began. It was intense. I am not known for my keen seeking skills, so I needed a little help. I also needed some encouragement later to allow everyone to EAT the boiled eggs -- they were so pretty! Easter Bunny brought me some goodies, a jump rope and some fruit snacks. Zach got some baby crayons and fruit snacks as well.

Nana and Papa left just a bit ago and we're all wondering what to do with the loads of ham we have left. Hope you and your peeps had a great day. Check out my peepsicles Papa and I made. Here are some of my photos from this weekend.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Been awhile since we've seen much of the little guy around here, so here's a little Zach action to cheer up your Tuesday. He's really sprouting those teeth left and and bottom, too!

BTW, if anyone ever offers you corned beef, kindly decline and stick with the Shamrock Shakes for St Paddy's Day! Trust me, I unknowingly sampled Guinness-soaked shoe leather last night.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Walking with Dinosaurs

I'm actually kind of glad that I wasn't literally *walking* next to these big guys yesterday, or that would've been a little scary. Dad, Grandma, my cousins and I went to the Metro Centre in Rockford to watch the BBC Walking With Dinosaurs Live show. It was AWESOME! I was all decked out in my dino shirt and hairbow. It was hard for Dad to get a good picture, but it was really dark in there. Most of the dinos were life-sized robots and they moved and sounded just like the real thing. Funny story -- my whole love for dinos started with these British robots. Back in May of 2006, we went to a Museum in London and saw a T-Rex robot just like this. That is where the whole dino fascination started so long ago! After the show, we went to Uncle D's house to celebrate some birthdays. Dad and I drove back last night and I was passed out for most the trip home. Mom and Zach stayed back for this one, that would have been a little too much action for the little guy.

I've got some serious playing to catch up on today. And here it is a week before Easter and we don't have a single craft or decoration done! Time to get bizzy.


No one forgets their first dino, especially a British one (look at those bad teeth!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Where there's Smoke...

there is usually some schmuck that doesn't know how to handle fire. That was the instance yesterday. I was at school and missed all the hub-bub. Mom was freaking out, so it was a good thing that I wasn't home and Zach was napping so she could pace and fret in peace. Apparently, the guy down the road let his little ditch fire get out of control and it soon consumed the whole field. It was put out by firefighters right before it hit the tree line. No telling what would've happened if it got that far! Mom has always had major beef with people burning anything within the village and especially right across from the elementary school! What's there to burn right now anyway? Leftover snow? Plastic bottles in the ditch? People around here are a bunch of pyromaniacs.

57 and sunny here today! Woot! We're going to the library and the park. I love Thursdays, my "nothing" days!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Must've Been a Beautiful Baby

New baby alert! New baby alert! Baaaooooga, baaaaaooooga! Sound the alarms, wake the neighbors, call the papers.

We're so happy to share that our good friends Ryan and Leah had a healthy baby girl on Monday. Her name is Lauren Ruby. Mom and I are going to make the road trip to the Fargo area to see them in a month or two.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ace of Cakes

Check out my mad cake decorating skillz! I helped Mom make this chocolate concoction of goodness for Grandma's birthday. I helped make the cake, frost it and I piped the flowers on by myself! Grandma loved it and couldn't remember the last time she had a cake made for her on her birthday, so I felt pretty special. It was nice to spend some quiet time with Grandma and Grandpa yesterday. We just did a day trip since they are only an hour and a half away. Grandma made me a really pretty purple afgan to take home. I've been wanting one...Dad has like 3 all to himself and Zach and I both have baby afgans, but this one fits my bed just perfectly.

I forgot to mention that we did something VERY exciting last week. We went to the "big kids" school and registered for Kindergarten! I was so excited. I had fun chatting it up with the office ladies and looking around. As of now, I'm probably going to go in the fall for full days. Mom is a little concerned that with my late birthday and all, it may be too much for me, but we'll see how the summer goes. I'm definitely pushing to go, but I think Mom is just going to miss me so much. Even though we can see the school from my house, I'll still have to ride the big kid bus!

Zach is still just taking random steps here and there, but he sticks to crawling most of the time. He can get around a lot faster (and safer) that way.

Ta-ta for now!

Les Family

Friday, March 07, 2008

Look Who's Walking

All of a sudden, Zach decided to be brave today! It started off with a few random steps last night that we thought we're probably a fluke, but today he's been taking steps all day -- 11 in a row is the most so far! Since Mom didn't make the walking poll very efficiently, you'll have to step forward to claim your Super-Cool-Grand-Prize. So anyone that voted March 6th, send us a message and we'll hook you up. Zach may be a little slower on two feet, but I bet he'll be catching up to me in no time!

A Culinary Collage

I made a recipe from my Rachael Ray kids cookbook yesterday (Thanks, Betty)! I had fun doing all the prep work by myself. I snipped the spinach and ham and whisked the eggs to make a
delicious omelet. Then I made some fruit english muffins. I've been asking a lot more to help out in the kitchen and Mom lets me as long as it is safe. I've been the sous chef around here since I was old enough to hold my head up, take a look! I think my French cooking background really helped out a lot ;)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Spring in My Step

I couldn't help but feeling a little bit springy yesterday. It was 60 degrees here and I played outside all afternoon. I'm getting really good at riding my bike. I was worried I'd forgotten some since last year, but you know what they say about that....just like riding a bike! I like to show off a bit and I was busy watching the other kids to see if they were watching me. Next thing you know, I was spinning out of control at 2 mph and hit the gravel! I went over my handlebars and landed right on my noggin'. Fortunately, my dino helmet broke the fall and saved me from getting a concussion. The LAST thing I need to do is end up like Uncle Adam! Dad was SO proud of me that I got right back on and tried some more. After that excitement, we WD-40'd up the swingset and had some fun. Zach just loves being outside and it's fun now that I have someone to play with. It is a good thing we enjoyed the weather while we had it because it is supposed to snow later today...BOO! Another boo thing mom should blog about is my cavity. This blog has turned into my virtual scrapbook/baby book, so the dreaded first cavity deserves some mention. I try SO hard to brush my teeth well and I was pretty saddened by the news. It is getting filled in 3 weeks and I'll try not to worry much about it until then.

We've got an exciting month coming up; a couple of birthdays to celebrate, the Walking with Dinos show in Rockford, Easter and Leah's baby should be entering the world any day now! We need some fun stuff to break into spring with. The routine around here is getting a little old and some fun will do us all good.

Hope you had a spectacular weekend!