Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It's my party!

Hi Everyone! Boy did I have a great birthday. Here I am eating dinner with all my family last night. We had pineapple upside-down cake for dessert. I blew out my candle and opened all my presents. I got lots of clothes, some art stuff, phonic magnets and other fun stuff. During the day, we went to the park and I got to ride the carousel. I am definitely turning 2... I've been a bit more sassy lately and talking better as well. My mommy thinks it has gone too fast and she misses when I was just a little baby. I said I want a baby brother or sister, but she said we have to wait a year. That's ok. I like being spoiled for now!! See you later ~ Katherine.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Little Piggies

Hi. This picture is for my cousin Tara, hi Tara! She wanted to see me in pigtails, so here I am, all piggied-out. I am having lots of fun with my family. Great-Grandpa and Betty just got back from Paris, they had a really nice time. Mom, grandma and I have been just hanging out, going to the park and the mall. I really like having them here. I am getting real excited for my birthday. Only 2 days to go! Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Party time!

Hi. Here I am at my friend Gabi's 4th birthday party last week. We had a blast. We swam and played and topped it off with some yummy cake. I can't wait to have my birthday party next week. My Grandma Vicki, Great-grandpa Miller and his friend Betty will come to see me TOMORROW! I am so excited! I think we'll have lots of fun and I KNOW Grandma brought lots of presents for me. See you later! ~Katherine

Monday, August 15, 2005

Me and Daddy

Hi everyone. I had a very nice weekend. We had some friends over Friday night for a BBQ. I stayed up REALLY late! On Sunday, we went to the village of Annecy. There is a pretty lake there and lots to see. We went inside a really old chateau. I liked running around it. I got to stay up late with Daddy on Sunday night. It is a French Holiday today, so I get to play with daddy again. Here we are watching a movie together. I knew if I got down I would have to go to bed, so I snuggled with Daddy as long as he let me. Today we went for a hike down to our village. There was a festival going on. I got a balloon and some cookies. We hiked back home before lunch and I was tired from riding in that backpack. So were mommy and daddy! See you later!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Potty Power

Hope you all had a great weekend. I sure did. Addie came over to play Saturday night while her mommy and daddy went to a movie. We had so much fun and didn't fight much at all. I even watched her use the potty. On Sunday, I wanted to go potty all the time so I could be "like Addie". I also like to have my hair in a ponytail "like Addie". I went three times. Here I am showing of my stickers. I am pretty proud of them. My daycare opens back up today. I will go for 4 hours this afternoon. I never want my mommy to leave, but I usually have fun and get to play outside. I am starting to finally understand more of what they say to me. That makes it hard sometimes, but everyone is still really nice! A bientot (see you later)!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dora this, Dora that

Hi! Well, like every other 2yr old on the planet, I am in love with Dora the Explorer. My mommy isn't too sure about it, but I told her not to worry. I just love her and her funny stories. So at the store today I saw a Dora shirt hanging up and I said "Peassssse!", it was only 3 Euro, so mommy let me get it. I hugged it the whole way home and put it on right away. I was quite proud to have my picture taken in it. As you can see, I am very happy. I even told my mommy "fank fou" after we got home. ~Love Katherine

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Princess Katherine

Hi! It was a rainy, yucky day today, so we stayed inside and made stuff. Mommy and I made a crown for me. We decorated it with crayons and Dora stickers! I like to wear it around the house. We also played with Play-doh and markers. I also pointed to the phone and asked for grandma, so I got to call her and talk to her too. Sometimes rainy days are nice because I get to do fun, new stuff inside! See you later!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Playing dress up

Hi! Hope you all had a good weekend. I played at my friend Addie's house Saturday night while mommy and daddy were on a date night. I had fun and I think they did, too! On Sunday, I found mommy's shoes from the night before. I think I looked very good in them. I decided a hat was the final touch because a girl has got to accessorize you know! I did all of this by myself and mommy was quite suprised to walk in the room and find me like this. I suppose next time I should take of my jammies and put a dress on too! Oh yeah, I also used the potty a lot this weekend and I get an Elmo sticker everytime I go! I went 3 times. It is fun to try and be a big girl. Talk to you later! ~Katherine