Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, September 26, 2005


Hi everyone. Here is a picture of me with Grandma and Grandpa D. I went to school and they went to the airport with Daddy. The three of them are going to Greece for 5 days. I think they will have lots of fun. I would like to go, but travelling makes me cranky and so do airplane rides. I had lots of fun with them this weekend. I was proud to show off my house and toys. We ate fondue with them Saturday night...when I go, it is more like FUN-due, yum! I won't be able to post any new pictures this week. Daddy took the camera to Greece with him. I will miss him lots, but I think Mommy and I will have fun as well. Have a good week everyone! ~Katherine.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Chef Boy-ar-Dotys

Hey ya'll! Sorry I've been MIA. I had a busy week. You know, playing and then playing and maybe sleeping in there, too. Here I am with dad. At my school, we baked stuff and all got to wear these cool "Do you want fries with that?" hats. I came home with flour on my face and clothes. I don't remember what I made. Mommy asked the teacher, but all she understood was something about black olives and flour. Maybe olive bread??? Mommy seriously needs to work on her French. It is a miracle we've survived this long! So anyhow, the rest of my week was good. I had some friends over, went to the park and pooped on the living room floor, so for the most part, things went well minus the pooping part. Well I better get some rest before grandma and grandpa come tomorrow. Bon weekend tout le monde! ~Katherine

Monday, September 19, 2005

Catch me if you can!

Here I am just running around and being all crazy. I was feeding all my toy animals dinner (pizza & cake) and I think I was running off to get them a drink. I was in a hurry, but let mom take a quick pic. I had a really good day at school and even went on the potty there. I didn't cry as much when daddy dropped me off. My grandma and grandpa D are coming on Saturday, so I am excited about that. My weekend was ok, but it rained a lot and we were stuck in the house most of the time. I got my some new goodies in the mail today from Grandma Vicki. I got new clothes and a movie called "Goodnight Moon". I love to get stuff in the mail! A big shout-out to my auntie Leah for my adorable threads today. I was the cutest little fille at school today, thanks Leah and Ryan.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Sour Puss

Hi. As you can see, I am a bit disgruntled about my new haircut. Can you believe it cost my mommy 10 euros for this?? My bangs are a bit uneven, to say the least. Of course, I wasn't exactly holding still for it, either. Oh well, maybe this is the latest in French hair fashion, non? Good thing I am still cute and can wear a hat. I think I will stick to getting my haircut at Cost Cutters from now on. Viva les USA...Land of the Free and home of the cheap haircut.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Time flies...

WOW! Can you believe it has been nearly a year that I 've been walking? Now I can run, jump, climb and even dance! Here is a picture of me taking my first steps just under a year ago. I remember it was hard work, but I did it and mastered it quickly. ~Katherine

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pillow Fights

Hi all. I had a really good weekend. My friend Addie came over Saturday night to eat dinner and play. Today, we went to the park and I got to ride the carousel again. I am pretty much well on my way to being potty-trained except for night-time. I didn't have any accidents today and I like to wear nothing but my undies around the house. Tonight, I had fun taking all the pillows off the couch and playing bedtime with my animals. I like to lay down with them and then shout "wake up Kitty!" and scare the beans out of my mom and dad. Sometimes rainy afternoons are a good time to really stir up my imagination and drive mom and dad batty. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. I think it will be ok as long as she doesn't put the thermometer you-know-where! A bientot! ~Katherine

Monday, September 05, 2005

First Day of "School"

Hi! Here I am all pretty for my first day of school. It is actually the garderie, but mommy calls it school for me, that way I am more excited to go. I will now go two mornings a week instead of just one afternoon. I did NOT like getting up at 7 o'clock. But, it was fun to eat breakfast with daddy and have him take me. I think I will have a fun day and I know mommy will enjoy getting some errands done as well. A bientot! ~Katherine

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Aren't I cute?

Just had to post this because I am so cute. Grandma took this on my birthday. Age suits me well, huh?