Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Same Bib, Different Baby

The only difference between these two pics is that I was about a month older and that mine was taken in France. Mom really saw some similarities between Zach and I today, so she dug up this photo to see how true they were. Of course, some would say that I am a *tad* bit cuter, but then I guess I can see that Zach is pretty handsome in his own way, too. Since it is his 4 mo birthday today, I will let him think he is hot stuff for the day.

I gotta go take a nap! Later!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Growing Like Weeds

Tall and thin, that seems to be how us kids grow! Zach had his four month checkup today and he is doing really well. He is just over 13lbs and almost 25in long. He's a bit on the light side, but you wouldn't know it judging by the way he eats! He's gulping down lots of milk these days and even starting to try a little rice cereal. I'm glad I don't have to eat that mushy stuff! It is no secret that Dad and I do NOT like anything mushy, i.e. potatoes, oatmeal or anything pureed. The doctor was very happy with Zach's progress and his reflux issues are finally starting to settle down. Our next Dr visit will be my 4yr checkup and Zach's 6 month checkup. Where does the time go?!?

We had a nice weekend at Grandma D's. We didn't get out to the cabin at all, but I had fun just hanging around and helping Grandma. I pulled weeds, fed the dogs and logged lots of hours on the four-wheeler. Zach is taking a liking to Grandma and had fun, too. Mom and Dad had their first night out together since Zach was born. They saw a movie and had dinner. I made sure to take FULL advantage of their abscence by watching lots of movies and eating loads of ice cream. We got back yesterday and I'm trying to beat the heat by hanging out in the baby pool. Zach is still too little for it, but my baby dinos and I had lots of fun!

Hope you all had a great Holiday weekend and are back in the swing of things.


Stubborn smiler

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Gone with the Wind

More like Goin Nowhere Because of the Wind. Nothing like 40mph wind gusts to take the fun out of an otherwise nice, sunny day! It may as well have rained because I couldn't play outside at all the past two days! We were supposed to go to the Zoo today, but instead we went to Target, which if you go at the right time, is kind of like a zoo. So, mom let me rent a movie. George of the Jungle. I'm absolutely driving mom Ape singing the George song. "Watch out for that Tree"!

I think for the Holiday weekend, we will head to the cabin. Dad's been working a lot this week, so we could use a little getaway. Other than that, things are a bit on the low-key side this week. Zach is doing well and I'm having lots of fun with him.

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Goin' to the Farm Park

If you sing the title of the post to the tune of "workin at the car wash", you'll see why mom and I had so much fun singing and driving to the farm. It really wasn't so much of a farm, but there was at least one of each of the main farm-type animals. I enjoyed feeding them all and talking to them. The ducks loved to eat my ice cream cone. The giant horse about ate mom's hand when she tried to feed it. She should heed the warning about feeding the horses at your own risk! The barn slide (see left) was AWESOME and I liked the cow-milking exhibit -- I think I'm a natural. Zach was a really good boy the whole time and we all enjoyed the sunshine and being outside. I think we'll definitely come here again.

My weekend is going well so far. Dad and I finished the rock wall on my swingset. Mom turtle-waxed my slide for optimum propulsion. Sorry Katie, but the wax-paper didn't work for very long. But now that I know the secret of wax-on/wax-off, the slide will forever be slick!

Have a great weekend. I will hopefully have some cool pics of the swingset later this weekend.

And squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull

Goats WILL eat anything

Reclined and relaxed

Jump duckie, jump!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Shame on you, Mom!

Can you believe that mom did not take one, single, picture the entire time we were in Wisconsin? It is bad enough she didn't bring her camera, but she didn't even take any with Nana's camera either! So, I can tell you about the fun I had, but unfortunately I have no Kodak moments to share. I did have a very nice time. I got to see lots of relatives and Uncle Adam was home for a few days, too. I had lots of fun at the Smith's Saturday night and liked playing with Katie. Grandpa and Betty are back from Florida and Grandpa even bought me breakfast at McDonald's one day! Zach was pretty good and went to the park with me a couple times. It is nice to be home, even though we don't have much happening this week. There is a petting zoo place that we may try to go to tomorrow and hopefully mom will bring her camera this time!

Here are a few pics from around here. Zach is eating a lot lately and really growing. He must be getting ready to impress his doctor in a couple weeks. He sure is "talking" a lot more and you can tell he really wants to play with me.

Hope you are having a great week! My swingset is nearly done, so I have been having some fun with that. I have to tell Tara thanks for the cool bug science kit. I somehow ended up with a tick in my ear this week (yuck-o!) and I thought it was SO cool to look at him under the magnifying glass. The tick is pretty dead, but I am ok and was very brave when Dad had to remove the tick. It only hurt a little and even though I know ticks are gross - I was kind of sad to see my little friend leave.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Oh, How I Have Grown

Here I am last Septemeber and today. What a change in just a few months - boy did I get tall! Good thing I am still such a sweet girl, that never changes, well, not till I am 13 at least!

Schooooool's....Out. For. Summer!

Oh, I think the moms were crying today and the teachers were dancing in the streets. Is it horrible that my mom is a little sad that my preschool days are over for a few months? We had a really nice graduation ceremony today and ice cream sundaes for a treat. My mom and dad are SO proud of me and really love to see how much I have grown in the past year. Zach was a good boy during my special day and we even got to play outside a bit.

I am going to take a snooze and then start packing for Nana Vicki's. We're heading out tomorrow after lunch and staying through the weekend at least.

Hope you have a great upcoming weekend and are keeping cool.


All my class

Maybe if I am good, mom will dip my pacifier in some ice cream later!

Zach and his friend Addison at school

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Baby Blues

I had to make sure mom didn't forget exactly who's blog this is! So I made sure to get in on a few of these pics. Zach likes sitting up and hanging out with me. I can fit in the chair too and think it is pretty funny if I sit in there and try to tip over. We took Zach to the mall for pictures yesterday. The good news is he didn't scream for the lady, but he refused to smile, so we only got one decent picture. Mom didn't pay for the weblink to them, so ya'll just have to wait until they come in. Zach was SO cute in his outfit from the Smiths. It was quite a screaming adventure through the mall both pre and post-pictures. We were both tired and crying at the end, and I think mom was about ready to lose her marbles. I was pretty tired from school and was not really in the mood to be out.

We are having an ice cream party at school tomorrow! Yay! I will try to have Mom take some pics and post them. Hope you are enjoying this fabu weather!


Monday, May 07, 2007

Is it done now? How 'bout now? Now? Now?

Who knew building a swingset took so long. I kind of expected the thing to come preassembled, and believe me, I bet Dad would've loved that. What a great Dad I have. He spent nearly every minute of daylight this weekend, working on my swingset. There was a lot of part-sorting, a lot of running to the hardware store, and only a little cussing. All that is left as of today is the slide and rock wall. Our yard isn't exactly "level", so there may be some landscaping to be done. There really wasn't a good spot for it in the yard, so we put it close to the deck so mom can watch Zach as well. Oh yeah, I finally flew my kite from Easter and it worked awesome! Dad had fun chasing it across the yard when I let go. I was doing some crazy mad tricks with it too!

I had a lovely Cinco de Mayo. We went out for dinner and I got a really cool, flashy Corona necklace! Its never too early to market booze to the younger generations, especially by means of shiny, flashing jewlery! Playgroup was here today and I sadly have only 2 days of school left. We are probably headed to WI on Friday and will stay till the next week. Dad has some farming to help with and jet skis to fix for Grandpa, so he won't be with us.

I better go, mom has to go meet dad at the dentist now. They are juggling us around so they can get their teeth cleaned. I hope they are good and give their ice cream coupons to me! Yahtzee!


Get down here and help Mom!

Up, up and away!


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Oh No, Sinko-de-Mayo!

Don't ask. My mom's a dork and that's all I really know. That, and I'll get to eat quesadillas tonight.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Broadway, Here I Come!

I am proud to say that I was the shining star of my school program last night. My family was SO proud of me. We put on quite a spectacular evening of song, dance and goofy entertainment. I remembered all the words and even hammed it up a bit. I was so proud to show them my school, my friends and of course, my talents. I had a nice visit with Nana Vicki and enjoyed being spoiled with extra attention and treats. I wish she didn't have to leave today, but I think we will get to see her soon.

No big plans for the weekend. We are probably going to a birthday party in Chicago and then maybe Dad will get some time to work on my swingset. I am exhausted after my long day yesterday and catching up on some much needed rest.

Have a great weekend!

Doing my angry face

Dancing with mom

A much needed snack for some tired kids

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Squeaky Clean

One day, mom decided to save some water and have Zach rinse off in the tub with me. We thought he wouldn't like it, because he is usually not a fan of bathtime. Much to our surprise, he had a blast. He really likes the water and likes to watch me play. So double-kid bath times have now become a regular thing at our house. Hey, as long as he doesn't get any funny ideas about contaminating the water, I'm down with it. I like having a little buddy to keep me company. Mom says someday I proabably won't like it, so we'll enjoy it while it lasts.

In other news, Grandma D brought my swingset to my house yesterday. For those of you who don't know, that swingset has quite an interesting history. Grandpa picked it up in his semi, took it back to Dixon and then they had to unload it on to their pick up truck and drive it here! What a special girl I must be! I kind of expected it to be ready to play on, but Dad has a lot of work ahead of him, so I hope he gets some time to start it soon. I can't wait to play on it.

My big school program is Thursday night and Nana Vicki is coming to watch me. I am very excited, but also sad that school will be done next week. Hopefully I can still play with some of my school friends over the summer. Tara will be happy to know that Mom has enrolled me in 8 weeks of creative art classes and I'll be continuing gymnastics as well.

That's all for now. Mom is hoping to take Zach and I in for some portraits this week, so maybe we'll have some to share soon.

Have a great week!
