Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Get 'er Done

As you can see, I had a busy old weekend. Leah stopped by for a bit on Saturday. She is going to have a baby in March and came by to load up all our old baby stuff to take back to MN. They had an 11 hour drive and only half the day to spend in town, so we were happy to see her. Later, we went to a little get-together in her old neighborhood and I had fun playing with the other kids. Maybe Mom and I will make the trip to MN to visit them after the baby comes. There are babies sprouting up all over the place around here!

This morning, Mom and I were going to go to Church. No, I am not kidding. My school is actually located in a Church and Mom thought today was the day of their annual preschool service. I was so excited to see my teachers and friends and learn a bit about Church. After all, I have visited most of the major Churches in Europe; it is about time I visit one here in the U.S.! Well, we pulled up and Mom learned that the service is actually NEXT weekend. Oops. So rather than make me sit through an hour long service with no one but about a dozen old folks, we went to the park instead and played some soccer. I kept telling Mom that she was the "goldlady" and I was trying to score some "gold".

Later, we all hung out in the basement all day for the opening day of football. Mom and Dad worked on Nemo's new cage. It is quite big for just one tiny little piggie. Mom was mumbling about having to buy another pig to keep him company! The cage is pretty sweet. We put his food on the upper deck and made a cool ramp for him to go up. I decorated a hidey house for him and we put a hay dispenser in as well. The cage was really cheap and easy to make. Nemo seems happier already...his cage size has nearly quadrupled. He likes to run up the ramp and jump off the top level. We're still not sure what to do with him when we go on trips.

Speaking of trips, we're hoping to come North for a few days. We may leave on Thursday and come back Sunday.

Hope you had a super weekend and enjoyed the nice weather. I rode my gator all around yesterday and I am really good at weaving through the obstacle cones!

Later my peeps

It's bigger than Zach's crib!

Well, at least someone likes dollies around here....and tiaras....yikes. This was a completely candid photo, no prop-setting involved.


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