Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lucky Leprechauns

Boy does time fly, it's been nearly a month since we've posted. Thankfully, March is whipping by and warmer weather is almost here. Not much craziness this month...I am signed up for spring softball which will be starting soon. Mom's starting to plan some of my summer activities around the baby. Though there is no telling when he will be here, we can hope for the middle/end of June. Mom saw the specialist last week and he seemed VERY optimistic that she can make it to 37-38 weeks without any bedrest. She'll just have lots of ultrasounds to make sure everything is ok. She feels great and wants to really be able to enjoy this pregnancy since we can say it's the last. Baby brother may just be called that forever...even with the help of family and friends, we can't find a name for this guy. Zach can wish all he wants, but Phineas OR Ferb is not an option. Nor is Perry the Platypus.

We had a fun St Paddy's day this year. Mom told Zach the green shamrock pancakes were made of chopped up little leprechauns and it really freaked him out! We got to see some more cool pics of the baby that day, too.

Grandma and Grandpa D got back from Arizona last week. We went to see them to deliver cookies. We also took Fluffy along to see if he would like the farm. He did not. He spent the whole day hiding under cars and avoiding the other cat. His heart was racing and he was super-paranoid all day. He meowed the entire way to the farm, but we didn't hear a peep out of him the whole way home, he was too exhausted from being on high alert. We still can't make a decision on his fate. Zach, Dad and Uncle D got the tractors out and were moving stuff around. When the farm activity picks up, you know spring is almost here. Our rhubarb and spring bulbs are all sprouting through the grass, it won't be long now!

Ta ta for now, we have a busy week ahead.
