Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, September 07, 2007

Not So Camera Shy

Judging by photos alone, one would assume Zach is an incredibly happy and silly baby. He is a pretty happy guy, but he has a temper too. The reason he is always smiling for the camera is that he learned how to be a camera ham about a month ago. He can be in the middle of a full-blown fit, but the second he sees that camera, his tears turn to smiles and he momentarily forgets about his misery. We've tried to sneak a photo of him just playing or concentrating, but as soon as he sees the "pre-flash" red light come on, he smiles in that fraction of a second right before it goes off. So mom turned off the flash today and got a few of him in mid-smile -- those milliseconds right before the flash went off.

He really loves to sit by me at the table. He is big enough for the wooden high chair now, but we still save that for special times since it doesn't have a tray and is pretty clunky.

I had a great 2nd day at school. Ryan and Leah are coming for a visit tomorrow. Other than that, we have no exciting plans. We haven't been to WI in two months -- hopefully soon because we need a little getaway for a couple days now and then or all the natives (i.e. Mom) get really restless (i.e. batpoop crazy). Oh yeah, I think Dad and I will build a new cage for Nemo this weekend; something a little roomier with vaulted ceilings, marble floors and stainless steel feeding dishes, perhaps.

Have a good weekend!

Grrr, you're not very sneaky.

Must. Smile. Quickly!


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