Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What's the Buzz, yo?

Happy Halloween to you all. It is only 3pm and I've already had enough sugar to make my blood have about the same sugar concentration of a YooHoo drink. I started off the day well. I decided, though, that I wanted to be a bumble bee rather than a tiger. So mom agreed if I could squeeze in to last years costume, and promise to wear my tiger one tonight (when it is so cold), then OK. So I am wearing a 24mo costume, with a 12mo onesie underneath and a pair of 18 mo old black tights. Mom had to dig through 3 totes to find all three things. Good thing I am such a squirt! I had a blast at school. Mom got to be a classroom helper today and she had tons of fun watching me in action. We did lots of cool crafts, smacked a pinata around and ate loads of sugar. I liked having mom there to read and sing to me and the other kids....although the other moms were lame and didn't dress up! I plan to hit the streets around 5pm tonight and begin looting for candy. I think mom will take me out and dad will stay home to fend off the ghosts and goblins with candy. More pics to come tomorrow, I am sure.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Hi there. I've been busy helping mom around here...making cookies and getting in the mood for Halloween. I had fun helping decorate cookies. I had even more fun eating the frosting. Too bad mom can't make very tasty sugar cookies, she may have to give up and buy the dough next time. I successfully "graduated" swim class on Thursday. I'll probably take a month off and then take it again for a refresher. I got to take home the class pet "Daisy" the stuffed cow this week and I had a good time taking care of her and introducing her to my dinos. Speaking of dinos, I took it upon myself to give Terry the Triceratops a pedicure with markers yesterday. Poor Terry! Yesterday, I went to the library with mom. I thought it was so great we could borrow as many books as we wanted to! I picked out some Little Critter books and Curious George as well. Poor Dad is stuck at work today. We thought about going to Grandma D's house to help pick corn, but we're not too sure what's happening just yet. I just hope the sun shines and I can play outside a bit.

Have a Grrrr-eat weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Did Someone Say Photogenic?

That's right. I'm pretty cute. And these school photos confirm just that. So if you want to order any of these (along with a wreath or 20), email mom and let her know what size. These photos are a bit pricey, so ask first.


It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like....

Christmas! Argh, it's not even Halloween yet and I am trying to hit peeps up for some Holiday Greenery. I am selling wreaths for gymnastics. Mind you, I really don't know know what a wreath even is, so I am counting on mom to spread the word. If you are interested, email mom or leave a comment. They will be in the week of Dec 1st and we'll bring them up somehow before Christmas. If you get one, you can just pay my mom back later. All orders have to be placed by Nov 4th.

Thanks for looking

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hooligans Young and Old

Hi there. Here is a pic of me and my buddies causing trouble at swim class. That instructor is pretty brave to take on four 3-year olds at once! I only have two classes left and maybe that is good since it is getting so cold out!

I had a great, laid-back weekend. We had so much fun with Ryan and Leah. Ryan and I got to be big buddies before he left. He had fun running me around the mall in a firetruck stroller. They had to leave for MN today. It was sad to see them go, but we're happy we at least got to see them. Mom and Leah are both equally bad at taking pictures, so we kept forgetting to take the camera with us. I really didn't do much else....I hung around the house most of the weekend and played. We carved one of our pumpkins tonight and it looks really cool, but it was hard to get the camera to work in the dark, so we'll try again later. Mom is officially 6 months pregnant today and really starting to get...well....BIG! She had to go buy a few shirts today. Someone finally came up to her the other day and asked if she was pregnant. That made her very happy that she's starting to finally look as big as she feels! Baby brother is quite busy and likes it when I sing to him...he kicked me in the forehead last week!

Have a good week and keep warm!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Hi there. Here are some pics from my swimming lesson Tuesday night. My teacher is really good and patient with us kids. There are only 3 of us and we don't use flotation devices, just her help. So far, I can now put my head under, kick my legs and reach/pull with my arms. My teacher is kind of silly, but she sure is good with us. I have 3 more left and then maybe I will sign up again after the Holidays for a refresher. Mom takes me there sometimes, but it is hard for us to find the time every week. In other news, my buds Ryan and Leah should be getting in tonight. We're going out to dinner and then they will stay here for three days. They have a wedding to go to and people to see. They used to live just a mile away, but then they moved 13hrs away to the Fargo area! And they moved right before we got back from France...bummer! I miss them lots and can't wait to see them. Today is also Mom and Dad's 4th anniversary. Yay Mom and Dad! They've bought 2 houses, moved to France and back, changed jobs and had me! It has been a busy 4 years, but all good! I gotta go get ready for swimming. Have a great weekend. Oh, and I see the dinos are winning so far. I have to think about that some more....I don't know if I want baby brother getting the cool Dino bedding and not me....we'll see!


Monday, October 16, 2006

Your Vote Counts!

Help us pick out baby brother's room. It gets painted next week and we have to decide soon!

What do you think?
Free polls from

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Le Brrr.

Ok. It is seriously getting COLD out. I guess I am in for a treat since I never really experienced a full Midwestern winter. In France, it rarely got below 20 degrees. They never heard of "negative" degrees before, ha! I had a great weekend. Nana Vicki came to visit us while Dad went farming. Yesterday, we went shopping. I got a new dress for the holidays and some new toys. Then we went for dinner at my favorite Lobster Restaurant. I love to eat the little shrimps. Today, we went to Tanner's Orchard. I picked out a carving pumpkin and had fun playing on the toys and seeing the animals. I think mom and Nana had more fun eating the desserts. I rode a pony and the Apple Cider Barrel train ride. It was a great time, but it was chilly! Nana left at 3 and I was pretty wiped out from our busy day. We made some more progress on the house this week. Our blinds finally came in and dad hung them up, so at least we have some privacy now! I have a busy week coming up. I hope it doesn't get too cold!

(Sorry, the bad pics are from mom's cell phone)


Crazy Hay Maze

Baby Goats

At least he can laugh about it...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

F is for Phonics

Hi! I had a nice weekend. We spent some time in Wisconsin Friday and Saturday. I visited with my family and enjoyed the beautiful weather. My Grandpa Miller is doing really well and so is Betty. On Saturday night, we went to a surprise party, but didn't stay too long. I had fun running around and dancing with the other kids. On Sunday, Dad helped Grandpa D fix the combine, so mom, Grandma and I went to a pumpkin patch in Sterling. I had my face painted and enjoyed the petting zoo. I don't have any pictures to post though, because all we had was an ol' fashioned disposable camera. Who knew pics used to be taken on film!?!

We went to see mom's doctor yesterday and catch another peek at baby brother. He is weighing in just over a pound now and is laying sideways in mom's belly instead of up and down! He had his legs folded up to his head and his feet in his face! I thought that was silly. He didn't move much for the sono, but we saw everything and all his anatomy looks fine. I still haven't got to feel him kick yet. Everytime we try, he stops.

I've been practicing some of my letters and numbers again. I surprised mom yesterday when I figured this phonics worksheet out all by myself. She just said the word and I picked the letters. Now let's hope she doesn't challenge me more and print out the worksheet "gnomes that study the psychology of philandering physics". That would be tricky.

Have a good one, I'm off to school.

Baby brother settling in for the
long haul

Friday, October 06, 2006

Ah, the Smells of France!

And NO, I'm not talking about the B.O.! A couple days ago, we were suprised to receive some French cheese in the mail from our friends in France, the Bakers. They ordered it from which has this really cool overnight shipping system going on. So last night, mom finally remember to get a baguette so we could try it out (and the Panera baguettes are NOT very good and cost 3 times as much!). My favorite is the hard cheese, called Tomme. However, in this pic I did try the runny, strong stuff that my mommy couldn't stomach when we first moved to France. This stuff is strong, it will make your sinuses clear across the room! You can see by my face it was a bit pungent, but I ate every last bite! Last night was supposed to be my 2nd swim lesson, but ol' scatterbrain mommy forgot my swimsuit and there was not time to go back and get it. I was quite upset. School was fun though! I am learning about autumn and spiders. Today, I think I am going to get drug around for garage sales and errand running. Then whenever dad can leave work, we are heading up to WI to see Grandpa Miller. On Saturday night, I have secret plans and on Sunday I hope to play with my cousins in Byron. That's about it from here. Have a great weekend!

Me falling asleep before at 6pm NEVER happens!

Ready for school

Monday, October 02, 2006

This Kid has Good Taste....

Last night, my new neighbor-to-be, Dylan, came over with his family to watch a little football. I had a good hunch about him, but when he put on his dino-glo-in-the-dark-jammies, I knew he was going to be able to hang with me just fine. Its funny that we both wear the same size and he will just be turning 1 this week! They will be moving in their house in two weeks, once the builders are done. I had a pretty nice weekend. I made a scarecrow (see pic), helped make cookies and pumpkin bars and went to Lowe's with Dad. I hosted playgroup here today and am making lots of new friends. I am excited to head to WI this weekend. Grandpa Miller is having surgery tomorrow and I have to be there to check on him in a few days. Have a groovy week everyone!