Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow and Puke

The good news last weekend was all the fun snow to play in! It was perfect packing snow, perfect for a couple of spherically-challenged snowmen. Bad new was that the stomach virus made it's way through our house. I woke up Friday night around 10 with my first bout of it, then I slept in Mom and Dad's room for the night. I was better on Saturday, even well enough to make a brief appearance at the chili supper and help Mom run the booth. The kids threw peanuts in a clown's mouth, Mom took the tickets and I picked up all the peanuts, I was a great helper! We left shortly after our shift was done, the smell of chili wasn't very appealing and the bouncy house looked fun, but again not a good idea. Sunday was good, we thought we were in the clear and had a lazy day around the house. But come Monday morning, out of nowhere, Zach had an exorcist, head-spinning, chunk blowing moment at breakfast, so that knocked him out of commission for the day. Fortunately, I had a snow day, so there was no rush and I was able to stay home and entertain him. Somehow, Mom and Dad amazingly didn't get sick.

The rest of the week was ho-hum. Mom and Dad got a new mattress, woop-de-doo! We're really itching for February to be done. Something about March screams spring, even though March is often just February, Part II. Dad is leaving for a work trip this entire week to Arkansas. We promised to be good for Mom, but she's honestly not looking forward to an entire week alone. We had another quiet weekend yet again, just vegging out and spending time with Dad before he leaves. He took us out to lunch and swimming. We also went to look at a used piano Friday night, and even though the price was great, it had some water stains, scratches and wasn't quite nice enough to put upstairs. We thought about putting it in the basement, but it won't fit down the stairs. So the piano thought is on hold for now and I'll have to stick with my keyboard until we figure something out. The original plan was to wait until I had completed a year of lessons, but it's going so well, I really should be playing on a the real deal!

That's our melodramatic week in a nutshell. Hopefully the coming one will be an easy one!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Show Me The Money

Hi all. Not too much exciting to post this week. I've had a pretty normal, but fun week at school. We saw a presentation of Peter and the Wolf on Tuesday. When I came home, Mom played the score for me and I was able to match each song with the scene in the play by heart...Mom was pretty amazed by that. And I'm really progressing at piano. Mom needs to make sure she nurtures my love for music as much as she can. I'll have a recital coming up this spring, how exciting.

Zach has had a fun little week. One of his favorite things to do it to take a green gummy bear and watch the gummy bear song on youtube, over and over. He carries that little guy around with him all day and never eats him. We find green gummy bears in the oddest places. He's also been asking for a piggy bank. So Mom took him to the craft store and they bought a plain bank which he decorated with rub on stickers. He's very excited to put in all of his Valentine's money and empty out Dad's change jar each day. He also had a friend over for a playdate today, so he's just having a great week.

We're sticking around here this weekend. It is my school's big fundraising chili supper Saturday night. Tomorrow night Mom and Dad are going out for a bit and we get to play at a friend's house, so we're excited for that. Nothing too crazy in our lives right now, but that's a very good thing!

Ciao for now!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What About Bob?

We brought the Bob back yesterday...haircut that is. We've been trying to let it grow long, but it is less than cooperative so Mom talked me into shaping it up a bit. I love it! I was a little resistant at first, but I really like it.

I announced Sunday that I was ready to have my ears pierced. Any other time the issue has been brought up, I denounced it quickly, but all of a sudden I was ready. So after some talks between Ma and Pa, we headed to the mall today. The lady gave me a little demonstration and explained things to me. I started hearing all the talk about the care, infection and work and told Mom I needed some time to think about it. I still may do it, but we want to go on a day when there are two associates there to do both ears at once so I don't have to feel two pokes twice. Mom was secretly relieved, for now at least.

I barely had any school this week! Snow day on Tuesday, half day today and no school for the rest of the week! Geesh! So we may head to WI on Friday and stay for the weekend. We feel bad about missing our trip last weekend and we'll undoubtedly be a little bored and stir crazy by Friday anyway. I had my VDay party at school today. It was super fun and the perfect way to end the short week!

A bientot!

Friday, February 05, 2010


Mom kind of forgot to post anything about Zach's birthday! Poor neglected 2nd child...not really...Mom just has an afternoon obsession with Super Mario Bros and forgot to blog, whoops.

We had a really nice day. A day really can't go too badly when you start off with giant sprinkly donuts for breakfast. Lots of people showed up for the party and fun was had by all. Mom even has a couple nice videos of certain family members busting a move to a dancing game. Be nice to her or you could end up on youtube, ha ha! Zach loved his Thomas cake and made it through the entire day without napping. Carly and Koller spent the night so we got to have extra fun with them.

Mom thought now that Zach is 3, she should make some sort of attempt to do toilet training. Not that 3 is a magic number, but an effort was definitely in order. So Monday-Wednesday, Mom and Zach stayed home and Mom only left his side to take a shower. He got put straight in underwear in hopes that he would learn his body signals quicker. Well, the thing with Zach is even when his little bladder is full, he can't "release" in the bathroom, so the 3 days were a bust with not much to show other than puddles on the floor, 2 extra loads of laundry and a very co-dependent little boy who is now used to having his Mama in his eye sight all day long. We gave it a try and he had a good attitude about it the whole time so hopefully no harm was done. We'll give it another go in a couple months. That was probably more than anyone EVER cared to read about toilet training!

We're off to see some Monster Trucks tonight and then to WI tomorrow. Mom is going bowling with some of her cousins in Monroe and we're excited to see Papa since he couldn't make it last weekend.

Ciao for now!