Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Yippee Ki Yo

Hi there. My friend Carson had his 4th birthday party today and it was a cowboy party. There was a lot of rootin' and tootin' going on. I've been having fun playing cowgirl all day. Yee haw.

I had a fun weekend at Grandma's. Grandma D took me to see some baby tigers, I even got to hold one. I was SO brave. I had a blast there and got to do all sorts of fun things.

Today was my first day of school. I just ran right in, told mom goodbye and put my backpack away. Mom was expecting at least a tiny bit of drama and whining, but she was still pretty proud of me. It is going to be an adjustment for all of us having to cart back and forth to preschool 3 afternoons a week. Zach finally has been taking predictable afternoon naps, but he may have to adapt his sleeping habits a bit.

Nemo the pig is still a little on the depressed side. Not sure what is going on. I think he'll just take awhile to warm up to us.

I better scoot of to bed. All 4 of us went to the store and got Dad's new TV tonight. It was quite the adventure pushing two carts -- one for the kids and one for the TV. Isn't it a bit excessive when your TV is bigger than your trunk? Oh well, it will be nice to watch the Bears downstairs now and be out of Mom's hair.

Have a good one!


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

It's Gymbo! I am so anti Gymboree normally, but this was too cute and on sale too. Check the clearance rack. What size is she? I can always pick it up at mine and send it to you as well. We're super close to the mall.


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