Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Hi there. I've been busy helping mom around here...making cookies and getting in the mood for Halloween. I had fun helping decorate cookies. I had even more fun eating the frosting. Too bad mom can't make very tasty sugar cookies, she may have to give up and buy the dough next time. I successfully "graduated" swim class on Thursday. I'll probably take a month off and then take it again for a refresher. I got to take home the class pet "Daisy" the stuffed cow this week and I had a good time taking care of her and introducing her to my dinos. Speaking of dinos, I took it upon myself to give Terry the Triceratops a pedicure with markers yesterday. Poor Terry! Yesterday, I went to the library with mom. I thought it was so great we could borrow as many books as we wanted to! I picked out some Little Critter books and Curious George as well. Poor Dad is stuck at work today. We thought about going to Grandma D's house to help pick corn, but we're not too sure what's happening just yet. I just hope the sun shines and I can play outside a bit.

Have a Grrrr-eat weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!


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