Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Le Brrr.

Ok. It is seriously getting COLD out. I guess I am in for a treat since I never really experienced a full Midwestern winter. In France, it rarely got below 20 degrees. They never heard of "negative" degrees before, ha! I had a great weekend. Nana Vicki came to visit us while Dad went farming. Yesterday, we went shopping. I got a new dress for the holidays and some new toys. Then we went for dinner at my favorite Lobster Restaurant. I love to eat the little shrimps. Today, we went to Tanner's Orchard. I picked out a carving pumpkin and had fun playing on the toys and seeing the animals. I think mom and Nana had more fun eating the desserts. I rode a pony and the Apple Cider Barrel train ride. It was a great time, but it was chilly! Nana left at 3 and I was pretty wiped out from our busy day. We made some more progress on the house this week. Our blinds finally came in and dad hung them up, so at least we have some privacy now! I have a busy week coming up. I hope it doesn't get too cold!

(Sorry, the bad pics are from mom's cell phone)


Crazy Hay Maze

Baby Goats

At least he can laugh about it...


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