Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Hi there. Here are some pics from my swimming lesson Tuesday night. My teacher is really good and patient with us kids. There are only 3 of us and we don't use flotation devices, just her help. So far, I can now put my head under, kick my legs and reach/pull with my arms. My teacher is kind of silly, but she sure is good with us. I have 3 more left and then maybe I will sign up again after the Holidays for a refresher. Mom takes me there sometimes, but it is hard for us to find the time every week. In other news, my buds Ryan and Leah should be getting in tonight. We're going out to dinner and then they will stay here for three days. They have a wedding to go to and people to see. They used to live just a mile away, but then they moved 13hrs away to the Fargo area! And they moved right before we got back from France...bummer! I miss them lots and can't wait to see them. Today is also Mom and Dad's 4th anniversary. Yay Mom and Dad! They've bought 2 houses, moved to France and back, changed jobs and had me! It has been a busy 4 years, but all good! I gotta go get ready for swimming. Have a great weekend. Oh, and I see the dinos are winning so far. I have to think about that some more....I don't know if I want baby brother getting the cool Dino bedding and not me....we'll see!



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