Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

F is for Phonics

Hi! I had a nice weekend. We spent some time in Wisconsin Friday and Saturday. I visited with my family and enjoyed the beautiful weather. My Grandpa Miller is doing really well and so is Betty. On Saturday night, we went to a surprise party, but didn't stay too long. I had fun running around and dancing with the other kids. On Sunday, Dad helped Grandpa D fix the combine, so mom, Grandma and I went to a pumpkin patch in Sterling. I had my face painted and enjoyed the petting zoo. I don't have any pictures to post though, because all we had was an ol' fashioned disposable camera. Who knew pics used to be taken on film!?!

We went to see mom's doctor yesterday and catch another peek at baby brother. He is weighing in just over a pound now and is laying sideways in mom's belly instead of up and down! He had his legs folded up to his head and his feet in his face! I thought that was silly. He didn't move much for the sono, but we saw everything and all his anatomy looks fine. I still haven't got to feel him kick yet. Everytime we try, he stops.

I've been practicing some of my letters and numbers again. I surprised mom yesterday when I figured this phonics worksheet out all by myself. She just said the word and I picked the letters. Now let's hope she doesn't challenge me more and print out the worksheet "gnomes that study the psychology of philandering physics". That would be tricky.

Have a good one, I'm off to school.

Baby brother settling in for the
long haul


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