Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hooligans Young and Old

Hi there. Here is a pic of me and my buddies causing trouble at swim class. That instructor is pretty brave to take on four 3-year olds at once! I only have two classes left and maybe that is good since it is getting so cold out!

I had a great, laid-back weekend. We had so much fun with Ryan and Leah. Ryan and I got to be big buddies before he left. He had fun running me around the mall in a firetruck stroller. They had to leave for MN today. It was sad to see them go, but we're happy we at least got to see them. Mom and Leah are both equally bad at taking pictures, so we kept forgetting to take the camera with us. I really didn't do much else....I hung around the house most of the weekend and played. We carved one of our pumpkins tonight and it looks really cool, but it was hard to get the camera to work in the dark, so we'll try again later. Mom is officially 6 months pregnant today and really starting to get...well....BIG! She had to go buy a few shirts today. Someone finally came up to her the other day and asked if she was pregnant. That made her very happy that she's starting to finally look as big as she feels! Baby brother is quite busy and likes it when I sing to him...he kicked me in the forehead last week!

Have a good week and keep warm!


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