Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, May 07, 2007

Is it done now? How 'bout now? Now? Now?

Who knew building a swingset took so long. I kind of expected the thing to come preassembled, and believe me, I bet Dad would've loved that. What a great Dad I have. He spent nearly every minute of daylight this weekend, working on my swingset. There was a lot of part-sorting, a lot of running to the hardware store, and only a little cussing. All that is left as of today is the slide and rock wall. Our yard isn't exactly "level", so there may be some landscaping to be done. There really wasn't a good spot for it in the yard, so we put it close to the deck so mom can watch Zach as well. Oh yeah, I finally flew my kite from Easter and it worked awesome! Dad had fun chasing it across the yard when I let go. I was doing some crazy mad tricks with it too!

I had a lovely Cinco de Mayo. We went out for dinner and I got a really cool, flashy Corona necklace! Its never too early to market booze to the younger generations, especially by means of shiny, flashing jewlery! Playgroup was here today and I sadly have only 2 days of school left. We are probably headed to WI on Friday and will stay till the next week. Dad has some farming to help with and jet skis to fix for Grandpa, so he won't be with us.

I better go, mom has to go meet dad at the dentist now. They are juggling us around so they can get their teeth cleaned. I hope they are good and give their ice cream coupons to me! Yahtzee!


Get down here and help Mom!

Up, up and away!



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