Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mowin', Mowin' Mowin....

Boy that yard's a growin',
Keep that Daddy mowin', all day!
He's really, really tired,
but boy us kids are wired,
to ride on that mower, all day.

Almost anything can be sung to the tune of Rawhide. Anything.

I've had a nice week of playing and whatnot. Mostly whatnot. Mom has been letting me chose a learning theme each week over summer. This week was Butterflies. We did some butterfly print-out books, coloring sheets and crafts. We made butterfly pretzel snacks for playgroup and checked out some great books on Butterflies from the library. I've also been helping Mom get ready for the garage sale. Every couple years, Mom thinks it would just be a fabulous idea to have a sale, and about halfway into it, she wonder what WAS she thinking! Our first day went well, Carson and I made $15 selling lemonade and snacks. More pics of that to come later. Mom said we can take our earnings and go to the Cherry Festival later this weekend if the weather is nice.

We've got a couple quiet weekends coming up. We're just chilling out and saving gas money until our trip to TN in a couple weeks. I've got my flower girl dress all ready and can't wait to be in Uncle Adam's wedding.

It's been awhile, so I thought I'd say hi, in case you missed me.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tasty Toes

We made our annual spring trip to the farm park yesterday with my playgroup pals. It was an absolutely perfect morning. The animals were all very friendly. I got to touch a boa snake and I loved the baby rabbits. Zach got his toes licked by a calf and even fed him out of the palm of his hand. He didn't mind too much, but he did have a few nervous whines amidst the excitement. He was so excited about getting his toes licked, he kind of kicked the poor thing in the face. But she must've liked the taste, because she came back for more. Hopefully, he is getting over his bovineophobia. He was a good boy and had fun oinking at the piggies. We had a nice lunch and made our way home. Here's hoping for more good weather for the Holiday weekend.

Have a good one!

Monday, May 19, 2008

5 Months, 2 weeks, 6 days and 12 hours....

Until we get to go to Disney World. Yay! I don't know who's more excited....Mom, or Mom. We do fly out on her birthday, so I think she's pretty excited. She finally strapped Dad down to a chair with duct tape and got him to agree to the trip. He's a little worried that the Disney trip will suck up all of our McMoney and he won't get to go to Mexico with Mom like he's been begging to for a year. Once again, my happiness prevails over Dad sitting on a beach and getting sunburned. Zach will be staying back this time -- it was a tough call, but we can get a lot more done without naps and traveling with a 2yr old is never fun. So the hotel is booked, the plane tickets almost booked and everything else....well, we've got plenty of time for that.

Not a lot new here. Last week was kind of a blur, we did some stuff around the house, but not much of anything too horribly exciting. We drove to Chi-town for a bday party Saturday. Our friend, Xander, turned 2 and I was quite proud to be the big kid of the bunch. You know you're getting old when all the other party kids are under 3. We planted our garden on Sunday, just some veggies and flowers for now. Zach is having a bit of a rough couple days. He has a nasty rash and fever which are likely from his shots last week. He' really fun now most of the time and I love teaching him new things -- like tag, duck duck goose and cleaning up. He just kind of follows me around and shreiks, which is fun, even if he doesn't get what I'm trying to teach him.

That's it from the South. We've got a pretty humdrum couple of weeks (translation: garage sales) until I can start up with some fun, new summer activities like tennis and soccer. In the meantime, I'll just keep asking Mom if it is time to go to Disney yet :)


Monday, May 12, 2008

Say it Ain't So!

Preschool ended today, very suddenly it seemed. We had a graduation ceremony and ice cream sundaes for a treat. It all of a sudden hit us that the year is done and summer is officially starting! I asked Mom just what in the world we are going to do now? We'll try to find some summer activities starting up in June and we'll just try to keep busy in the meantime. I've been itching to go on a nature hike and we still need to plant flowers and our garden. Busy kids = happy kids = happy mommy!

I had a super weekend in WI. We dropped Dad off on the farm and then after a short visit, we headed to Monroe. I had fun playing with the Nana's neighbor girl and going for a walk down to the square. Cousin Tara painted a banner that is hanging downtown, so I thought that was pretty neat. Nana, Grandpa and Betty took us shopping Saturday. I got some new sand toys, some clothes and shoes. I love my new bowling shirt from Nana. I even bowled some, but got tired out and let Kingpin Mom finish up for me. The weather was icky on Mother's Day/Nana's birthday, but we stayed in and had cake and ice cream. Dad was tired from a weekend of farming and we were tired from the car ride, so it was good to be home and get a good night's sleep in our own beds. I sleep with Mom at Nana's house and neither one of us really rests well -- I'm a wild sleeper!

Have a great week, hopefully spring is really, really here this time!


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Feet

Here's a little clip of Zach doing his happy dance. He gets pretty crazy with it sometimes. Don't mind the big mess in our garage. Mom was being mean in the last part -- Zach is deathly afraid of the cow sound. We can't even say "Hey Zach, wanna watch a mooo-vie?" without him crying. Poor little guy still has some sensitivities and I guess we shouldn't pick on him too much. He may get back at us someday!

Off to WI for the weekend. Wahoo!


Monday, May 05, 2008

Pump it Up

Finally! Pumping on the swing just kind of clicked for me yesterday. This is a historic moment, even if it doesn't seem like much of a milestone to everyone else. Mom's days of pushing, and pushing and pushing are done! I love being able to get on the swing and get started on my own.

I had my Really Big Show at preschool Friday night. Grandma and Grandpa D came as well as Papa Miller and Betty. I put on quite the performance. We did a little singing, dancing and ukulele playing. Unfortunately, the lighting was bad and Mom didn't get many good pics. I was happy to have Papa and Betty spend the night and spend some time with me. They were happy to get some rest since they've had a very busy few days. While driving back from Florida (after just returning from Hawaii), they hit a deer and have had a lot of crud to deal with in the process. Hopefully life gets back to normal for them soon.

Quiet weekend around here. Dad went home to farm for one day and the other day we just did a little shopping. I've got a busy week coming up, highlighted by my trip to WI at the end of the week! Hooray!

Later sweet potaters


That's me on the far right!