Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, May 05, 2008

Pump it Up

Finally! Pumping on the swing just kind of clicked for me yesterday. This is a historic moment, even if it doesn't seem like much of a milestone to everyone else. Mom's days of pushing, and pushing and pushing are done! I love being able to get on the swing and get started on my own.

I had my Really Big Show at preschool Friday night. Grandma and Grandpa D came as well as Papa Miller and Betty. I put on quite the performance. We did a little singing, dancing and ukulele playing. Unfortunately, the lighting was bad and Mom didn't get many good pics. I was happy to have Papa and Betty spend the night and spend some time with me. They were happy to get some rest since they've had a very busy few days. While driving back from Florida (after just returning from Hawaii), they hit a deer and have had a lot of crud to deal with in the process. Hopefully life gets back to normal for them soon.

Quiet weekend around here. Dad went home to farm for one day and the other day we just did a little shopping. I've got a busy week coming up, highlighted by my trip to WI at the end of the week! Hooray!

Later sweet potaters


That's me on the far right!


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