Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, May 19, 2008

5 Months, 2 weeks, 6 days and 12 hours....

Until we get to go to Disney World. Yay! I don't know who's more excited....Mom, or Mom. We do fly out on her birthday, so I think she's pretty excited. She finally strapped Dad down to a chair with duct tape and got him to agree to the trip. He's a little worried that the Disney trip will suck up all of our McMoney and he won't get to go to Mexico with Mom like he's been begging to for a year. Once again, my happiness prevails over Dad sitting on a beach and getting sunburned. Zach will be staying back this time -- it was a tough call, but we can get a lot more done without naps and traveling with a 2yr old is never fun. So the hotel is booked, the plane tickets almost booked and everything else....well, we've got plenty of time for that.

Not a lot new here. Last week was kind of a blur, we did some stuff around the house, but not much of anything too horribly exciting. We drove to Chi-town for a bday party Saturday. Our friend, Xander, turned 2 and I was quite proud to be the big kid of the bunch. You know you're getting old when all the other party kids are under 3. We planted our garden on Sunday, just some veggies and flowers for now. Zach is having a bit of a rough couple days. He has a nasty rash and fever which are likely from his shots last week. He' really fun now most of the time and I love teaching him new things -- like tag, duck duck goose and cleaning up. He just kind of follows me around and shreiks, which is fun, even if he doesn't get what I'm trying to teach him.

That's it from the South. We've got a pretty humdrum couple of weeks (translation: garage sales) until I can start up with some fun, new summer activities like tennis and soccer. In the meantime, I'll just keep asking Mom if it is time to go to Disney yet :)



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