Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, May 12, 2008

Say it Ain't So!

Preschool ended today, very suddenly it seemed. We had a graduation ceremony and ice cream sundaes for a treat. It all of a sudden hit us that the year is done and summer is officially starting! I asked Mom just what in the world we are going to do now? We'll try to find some summer activities starting up in June and we'll just try to keep busy in the meantime. I've been itching to go on a nature hike and we still need to plant flowers and our garden. Busy kids = happy kids = happy mommy!

I had a super weekend in WI. We dropped Dad off on the farm and then after a short visit, we headed to Monroe. I had fun playing with the Nana's neighbor girl and going for a walk down to the square. Cousin Tara painted a banner that is hanging downtown, so I thought that was pretty neat. Nana, Grandpa and Betty took us shopping Saturday. I got some new sand toys, some clothes and shoes. I love my new bowling shirt from Nana. I even bowled some, but got tired out and let Kingpin Mom finish up for me. The weather was icky on Mother's Day/Nana's birthday, but we stayed in and had cake and ice cream. Dad was tired from a weekend of farming and we were tired from the car ride, so it was good to be home and get a good night's sleep in our own beds. I sleep with Mom at Nana's house and neither one of us really rests well -- I'm a wild sleeper!

Have a great week, hopefully spring is really, really here this time!



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