No one! I stumped you all. That was a good one. Here are the explanations for each choice. Guess I am feasting on tripes for awhile since no one won.
There are over 600 types of French cheeses --
True. They all stink and taste like the inside of a shoe. But you do acquire a taste for them. Did you know Roquefort cheese MUST be made only in the moldy caves of the Roquefort region?
Vasectomies were illegal in France until 2001 -- True. Not just vasectomies, but tubal ligations and all types of sterilization. It goes back to an old law from Napoleon's time that prohibited self-mutilation. Men here were going to the UK for their nips and snips until 2001.
It is illegal to fly an American (or any other) flag in France -- FALSE! I could see where this could be tricky since we all think they hate our guts. It is not illegal, but don't be surprised if your house gets broken into or your gate gets a dose of graffiti. Flag flying here isn't a big thing unless it is at a political office. No giant French flags flying here like back home with those gianormous ones that fly over Perkins.
The French have 5 weeks of paid vacation a year -- True. And yet they still find so many reasons to strike. Maybe the 35 hour work week and retirement age of 60 really is too strict.
70% of all music on the radio must be by French composers -- True. Between the hours of 8am and 8pm, 70% of music played on the radio must be by French composers. And that is why we have a CD player in our car. French rappers leave much to be desired (do they even KNOW what east coast/west coast is, or a glock for that matter??). Thank goodnes Celine Dion is French-Canadian.
The term "mayday" was invented by the French --
True. Does that really surprise you? Mayday comes from the French word for help..."m'aidez". Suprisingly, the phrases"I surrender" and "I give up, please don't beat me with that wienerschnitzel Mr. Hitler", do NOT come from the French language.
It used to be illegal to sell ET dolls in France (phone home!) -- True. There used to be a law that prohibited the selling of a doll without a human face. I can't find the exact law code, but know it to be true. I suppose that would apply to tellytubbies and furbies as well.
Fois Gras is actually made of 75% geese or duck liver -- True. It is so full of fat and cholesterol it is the equivilant of eating a double bacon cheeseburger, or worse. It tastes like poo if you ask me, but I have only had the cheap stuff. I guess you need a cultured palate.
The French tend to be stinky -- True. Now, I know that seems like a really low-blow, but it is the truth. B.O. is more common here and that's just the way it is, just like Americans tend to be obese. No offense intended, I just call it like I smell it.
Men must wear speedos in public swim areas -- Not just sad, but true. Fortunately, they can wear "speedo trunks", which are the equivilant of boxer briefs...although most French men like to wear the originals. They are very concerned about hygiene in public pools and as Alan says, they want to keep "the junk contained". Now I know what ya'll are thinking "Alan swims...does he own a pair?". And the answer is yes, they are gray and blue. And if you pay him enough, he just may model them for you.
Well that was fun and educational. If I think up some more questions, this may become a regular feature. For any of our French friends (or ex-friends), please know this was all in good humor.
disclaimer **No French were harmed in the making of this poll.**