Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fun-day Sunday

Hi Everyone! I hope you had a fun weekend, just like me! I was hoping to go sledding again today, but it was too cold. Tomorrow, we are supposed to go watch the Olympic Flame go through Grenoble. Mommy and daddy are staying up late tonight to watch the Superbowl, so I'm not holding my breath! I wonder which one of them will have to take me to school in the morning? All this fuss over a really big, super-sized bowl? I wonder what is in it that is so great? Here's what I did today....

Made a frogger thingy from a bottle

Got a little sassy about it

Was feelin' superfly in my new jammies
(but I still insisted on pants with the nightgown)

Spent some QT with my mommy

What is more rare than Haley's Comet???
Daddy running the vacuum.


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