Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, February 10, 2006


Hi. Mom's been really bad at taking photos lately. She's had plenty of opportunites, but she's a little forgetful. So I had a great day. We started off with a playgroup this morning. One boy spoke only French and Dutch, the other spoke French and the "Queen's English", and then there was me. It was fun to watch those silly boys fight over trucks and balls while I played by myself. I had a good time and liked being the only girl, even if they couldn't understand me all of the time. Later, Ben & Gabi came over for dinner and fun. We literally tore the house apart and played till we fell over. I made Valentine's cards last night to hand out to my friends (thx for the cool threads aunt Debbie!, I love my sparkle pants). I'll probably take some to school on Monday. I think we may go sledding tomorrow. Mommy and daddy have a fancy dinner to go to at the Chateau Commanderie, so I am spending the night at Ben and Gabi's...hooray! Bon weekend a tous! ~Katherine


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