Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, March 03, 2008

Spring in My Step

I couldn't help but feeling a little bit springy yesterday. It was 60 degrees here and I played outside all afternoon. I'm getting really good at riding my bike. I was worried I'd forgotten some since last year, but you know what they say about that....just like riding a bike! I like to show off a bit and I was busy watching the other kids to see if they were watching me. Next thing you know, I was spinning out of control at 2 mph and hit the gravel! I went over my handlebars and landed right on my noggin'. Fortunately, my dino helmet broke the fall and saved me from getting a concussion. The LAST thing I need to do is end up like Uncle Adam! Dad was SO proud of me that I got right back on and tried some more. After that excitement, we WD-40'd up the swingset and had some fun. Zach just loves being outside and it's fun now that I have someone to play with. It is a good thing we enjoyed the weather while we had it because it is supposed to snow later today...BOO! Another boo thing mom should blog about is my cavity. This blog has turned into my virtual scrapbook/baby book, so the dreaded first cavity deserves some mention. I try SO hard to brush my teeth well and I was pretty saddened by the news. It is getting filled in 3 weeks and I'll try not to worry much about it until then.

We've got an exciting month coming up; a couple of birthdays to celebrate, the Walking with Dinos show in Rockford, Easter and Leah's baby should be entering the world any day now! We need some fun stuff to break into spring with. The routine around here is getting a little old and some fun will do us all good.

Hope you had a spectacular weekend!


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