Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Walking with Dinosaurs

I'm actually kind of glad that I wasn't literally *walking* next to these big guys yesterday, or that would've been a little scary. Dad, Grandma, my cousins and I went to the Metro Centre in Rockford to watch the BBC Walking With Dinosaurs Live show. It was AWESOME! I was all decked out in my dino shirt and hairbow. It was hard for Dad to get a good picture, but it was really dark in there. Most of the dinos were life-sized robots and they moved and sounded just like the real thing. Funny story -- my whole love for dinos started with these British robots. Back in May of 2006, we went to a Museum in London and saw a T-Rex robot just like this. That is where the whole dino fascination started so long ago! After the show, we went to Uncle D's house to celebrate some birthdays. Dad and I drove back last night and I was passed out for most the trip home. Mom and Zach stayed back for this one, that would have been a little too much action for the little guy.

I've got some serious playing to catch up on today. And here it is a week before Easter and we don't have a single craft or decoration done! Time to get bizzy.


No one forgets their first dino, especially a British one (look at those bad teeth!)


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