Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Katherine Comedy Hour

Just a warning that your sides may very well split open if you watch the video below. Two words: comic. genius. I'll be here all week ladies and gents!

Valentine celebrations are in full force around here. I had a school party Monday, a gym party yesterday AND a playgroup party here today. I now have a surplus of Vday candy to add to my stockpiles from Halloween and Christmas. I had to write out a total of 38 valentine cards for friends and teachers. Mom broke them up into batches and I worked on a few everyday since last week. I was getting pretty goofy by the end, alternating my upper and lower case and changing the color of my pen. Katherine is a LONG name to write, but I was a trooper.

We have my parent-teacher conference today. I am excited to see what the teacher has to show and tell Mom about all the fun I've had so far this year.

Tomorrow should be a quiet day around here. We're heading to WI Friday-Monday since I have a long weekend due to Presidents' Day and conferences. I hope it warms up this weekend so I can sled in all that snow Nana talks about.

Zach is doing well and standing by himself a lot. He LOVES to play peek-a-boo. All the time, with the constant peeking and the booing. He wears me out. We'll have to try to capture it on video today.

Have a great day and an extra sweet one tomorrow



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