Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, February 25, 2008

Emphasis on SIT

Someone needs to tell Zach that it isn't a Stand n' 'Spin! He thinks he is hot stuff when he climbs on and pulls a "look ma, no hands!". He still isn't walking yet. As a matter of fact, he's gone further away from the challenge. He was taking a step here and there and trying, but now he just sticks to crawling. He's cutting his top 4 teeth right now (as you can see by the drool) and not really up for too many adventures, other than standing on moving turntables!

I hope you enjoy my latest creation below. The herbivores needed to borrow Barbie's equipment to help fend off the meat eaters. It was quite the show down.

Mom took me to the planetarium here on Sunday. I really loved the movie they showed on the dome. It was about the universe and the part where they showed the dinos when the meteor hit was REALLY cool. The T-Rex jumped forward on the screen and looked really lifelike, I thought he was going to bite us!

We had a quiet weekend otherwise; I did some painting and played outside a bit. This week is more of the same routine. We're finally all recovered from stomach flu and Dad somehow was lucky enough not to get it. I'm learning about Kentucky Bluegrass music at school and having fun going around playing my pretend fiddle.

That's all for now from Illinois. Have a great week and think warm thoughts!



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