Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Walking Wagers

Blog traffic has been a bit slow lately. So we'll spice things up a bit with a poll. Been a long time since we've done that. So, if anyone can correctly guess the time when Zach starts walking, they will win a SUPER, DUPER, big grand prize. Cast your votes now. For those of you that haven't seen him in awhile, well, good luck!

If you check out the Roller Den website, scroll down to the very bottom of the party page and check me out in all my limbo glory. Being short sure has its advantages!

The snow has finally started to come down here in Central Illinois. I am at school now, but I sure hope Mom can make it back to pick me up!

When will Zach walk?
February 8th
February 14th
February 21st
February 28th
March 6th
March 12th
Free polls from


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