Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, June 16, 2006

No Spelunking for Me!

Hi. We got back a day early today. The weather was very cloudy and all we had planned was the beach, so we decided to get home early and get a good night's sleep...the beds there were a bit stiff. I slept on a bunk bed by myself the whole time. It was nice renting the apartment and having our own kitchen and living room; we definitely were not as cramped as we usually are. We went to a waterpark on Tuesday, saw some gorges on Wednesday which we paddleboated through, did the beach on Thursday and hung out at the hotel pool. I am happy to be back with my toys and back in my house, but I'm a little crabby right now and ready for bed! It is hard to believe our last European vacation is over already. Mom will try to get the pictures on the website this weekend. Here is a picture of my reaction to the cave we saw when paddling through the gorges. It was spooky!
Ciao! ~Katherine


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