Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, June 02, 2006

So you think you know moi?

Playgroup was a bust today due to the host having pink-eye, so mom took me to the park instead. I was SO excited for playgroup and even picked out a dress to wear, so I was very bummed when it was cancelled. Not a whole lot happening here in France to report....still the same with stinky cheese and even stinkier people. So since the news is 'bout another round of trivia?

Getting out some aggression

How well do you know me? Which one is false?
My middle name is Margaret
I was a breech baby
I have freckles on my nose
My zodiac sign is Leo
My favorite book is Cat in the Hat
I have been to six countries
My parents thought about naming me Lauren
I like robots and dinosaurs


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