Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Sorry I have not posted for awhile, it has been quite a busy week. We had 2 playgroups, 2 school days and lots of running around in between. Mom and dad met with the movers and looks like they will be packing us up July 17th and we will leave the next week. We're lined up to sell most of our stuff, but having a hard time selling our cars but we still have a few weeks left for that. Mom has been busy cleaning out closets and Dad is busy making sure all the paperwork is lined up to get us out of here smoothly. And I'm just busy being cute and taking time to stop and smell the roses!

Here are a few funny things that have come out of my mouth lately:

"I had eye-boogers at school, but I got 'em out!"

"No thank-you with sugar on top"

"But I always say please for ice cream!" (When being told to use her manners)

"Daddy, your boobies are small!"

"Hey you meteors, stay up in the sky!" (Worried about what happened to the dinosaurs)

Me and my friend Frieda at playgroup

Snuggling with Erin


At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't there a 'famous' picture of April almost in the same pose as Katherine smelling the flower? You will have to post that picture too. ~Tara


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