Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, September 23, 2005

Chef Boy-ar-Dotys

Hey ya'll! Sorry I've been MIA. I had a busy week. You know, playing and then playing and maybe sleeping in there, too. Here I am with dad. At my school, we baked stuff and all got to wear these cool "Do you want fries with that?" hats. I came home with flour on my face and clothes. I don't remember what I made. Mommy asked the teacher, but all she understood was something about black olives and flour. Maybe olive bread??? Mommy seriously needs to work on her French. It is a miracle we've survived this long! So anyhow, the rest of my week was good. I had some friends over, went to the park and pooped on the living room floor, so for the most part, things went well minus the pooping part. Well I better get some rest before grandma and grandpa come tomorrow. Bon weekend tout le monde! ~Katherine


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