Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Show Me The Money

Hi all. Not too much exciting to post this week. I've had a pretty normal, but fun week at school. We saw a presentation of Peter and the Wolf on Tuesday. When I came home, Mom played the score for me and I was able to match each song with the scene in the play by heart...Mom was pretty amazed by that. And I'm really progressing at piano. Mom needs to make sure she nurtures my love for music as much as she can. I'll have a recital coming up this spring, how exciting.

Zach has had a fun little week. One of his favorite things to do it to take a green gummy bear and watch the gummy bear song on youtube, over and over. He carries that little guy around with him all day and never eats him. We find green gummy bears in the oddest places. He's also been asking for a piggy bank. So Mom took him to the craft store and they bought a plain bank which he decorated with rub on stickers. He's very excited to put in all of his Valentine's money and empty out Dad's change jar each day. He also had a friend over for a playdate today, so he's just having a great week.

We're sticking around here this weekend. It is my school's big fundraising chili supper Saturday night. Tomorrow night Mom and Dad are going out for a bit and we get to play at a friend's house, so we're excited for that. Nothing too crazy in our lives right now, but that's a very good thing!

Ciao for now!


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