Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, February 05, 2010


Mom kind of forgot to post anything about Zach's birthday! Poor neglected 2nd child...not really...Mom just has an afternoon obsession with Super Mario Bros and forgot to blog, whoops.

We had a really nice day. A day really can't go too badly when you start off with giant sprinkly donuts for breakfast. Lots of people showed up for the party and fun was had by all. Mom even has a couple nice videos of certain family members busting a move to a dancing game. Be nice to her or you could end up on youtube, ha ha! Zach loved his Thomas cake and made it through the entire day without napping. Carly and Koller spent the night so we got to have extra fun with them.

Mom thought now that Zach is 3, she should make some sort of attempt to do toilet training. Not that 3 is a magic number, but an effort was definitely in order. So Monday-Wednesday, Mom and Zach stayed home and Mom only left his side to take a shower. He got put straight in underwear in hopes that he would learn his body signals quicker. Well, the thing with Zach is even when his little bladder is full, he can't "release" in the bathroom, so the 3 days were a bust with not much to show other than puddles on the floor, 2 extra loads of laundry and a very co-dependent little boy who is now used to having his Mama in his eye sight all day long. We gave it a try and he had a good attitude about it the whole time so hopefully no harm was done. We'll give it another go in a couple months. That was probably more than anyone EVER cared to read about toilet training!

We're off to see some Monster Trucks tonight and then to WI tomorrow. Mom is going bowling with some of her cousins in Monroe and we're excited to see Papa since he couldn't make it last weekend.

Ciao for now!


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