Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring has Sprung

Hi All,

We had a beautiful weekend. It was sunny most of the time and hanging around 70 degrees. I helped mom and dad with some yardwork and played. All I have is a boring slide, so I think we may get a swingset or a sandbox this week. I started back to school today. I wasn't too sad, but seemed a little hesitant. We had daylight savings time change this weekend, so I was pretty tired this morning and so was mom. Saturday night, we went to a going-away party for one of daddy's coworkers. Everyone was French but us, so it was a good experience and they really got a kick out me. I had fun playing with the big kids and running around outside. I stayed up till 1am that night! Have a good Monday and a good week. ~Katherine


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