Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Gig is Up

So I suppose it is time we reveal a deep-rooted family secret. Alan is not really Alan, but Lance Armstrong. At least according to the waiter today at lunch. We were at Charley's Diner (the only place in Grenoble to get a decent burger) and when we left, the waiter told Alan that "vous resemble Lance Armstrong". Ok. I missed this as I was in the bathroom. So there you have it. We haven't been here on a CAT assignment, but really Lance (aka Alan) has been here training and biking, hiding in disguise of a computer programmer. It took a French waiter to figure it out that the real Lance is living in France. Needless to say, you now know why Sheryl Crow was left broken-hearted. I'll let you make the connection:


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