Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Living after Midnight -- Rockin' till the Dawn

The rest of my weekend in Cheesehead land was great. Had a blast at the lake on Sunday and am getting quite brave with my floaties. Tara showed us a good time and I loved being at a beach! Later that night, we went to the Sky-Vu and saw WALL-E and Journey to the Center of the Earth. I stayed awake for both; the candy may have helped in that. Tara and Cody came as well and we had fun. I didn't go to bed until after midnight!

How'd my shots go? Not one. single. tear. That's right, didn't flinch, didn't scream or even shed one tear for my shots. Mom TOLD me I could cry, she just made me promise not to put up a fight. But I figured if I really wanted that toy she was bribing me with, it would be best not to put up any sort of fuss at all. So I didn't make a peep. You'd never know there were 4 needles going deep into my tiny little legs. I picked out a cool toy at THE Wal-Mart later. Fun fun.

We got back here in the land of flatness Monday evening. I was able to go to gymnastics Tuesday, the exercise actually felt good on my legs. We had a fun time at playgroup today and the weather has been spectacular. Fortunately, we missed the tornado-like winds on Sunday that wrecked havoc on the neighborhood. Our gazebo flew through the air like a giant lawn dart and fortunately, did no damage.

Have a good week my peeps!


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