Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Danananananana -- I Wanna Be Sedated

Lots of energy and what better way to use it than spinning senseless. NOT a good thing to do by the tops of staircases, by the way. I'm not sayin' who, but I'm just sayin'.

Few more days till we leave for the big wedding. Mom put the DVD player in the car today and let us test it out. Kind of nice to have both of us restrained AND entertained. Don't be surprised if you see us sitting in the garage a lot, staring at the seats (see photo at left). Seriously, this is supposed to be just an investment for the trip. The plan is to take it out of the car next week. Dad pretty much refused to drive any distance without one, so Mom broke down and bought one with two screens. Our last one lasted for 14 transatlantic flights! Let's hope this one survives some kicks and jabs. Silence from the backseat -- priceless! Later, we went to Super Walmart (who I am convinced has some kind of superhero powers, or maybe supervilian, not sure on that one) and bought oodles of snacks for the road trip. Lots of stuff I have forever been begging for, but never tried; like yogurt from a tube, individually wastefully-wrapped pouches of junk, rainbow twizzlers and some cherry cordial Kisses for Nana. I sure hope we have another reason to go Tennessee again, this is fun!

Anywho, past my bedtime. Better listen to Mom so she doesn't change her mind and take my cool stuff back! Oh yeah, I had my first night of half-pint basketball this week and had loads of fun! I'm pretty agile for such a little squirt.


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