Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh Look, They're Falling in Love

That's what I said when Uncle Adam and Casey danced together for the first time. How cute, huh? I must say we had a great time in TN. We made it down there just fine, taking a break about halfway for the night. On Sunday, we did the whole trip in one long stretch and it went pretty well! That DVD player was great fun for us and we both snacked. Alot. I did stupendously as a first-time flower girl. I took my job very seriously and did it with grace and precision. Casey looked beautiful and it was sweet to see Uncle Adam get all choked up when he said his vows. We had so much fun visiting with family that we haven't seen in ages and getting to know Casey's family as well. There is a small album of some of the pics HERE. Our hotel was super sweet and we had fun swimming and playing. I love staying in hotels. Zach was a bit of a pistol when it came to sleeping in the same room with us, he kept me up a lot, but that's ok. I've got all week to catch up on my rest. The coolest part was when the helicopter picked up the bride and groom at the end of the night. That was around 11:30 and Zach and I were still going strong! On the way home Sunday, Mom made us stop in the town of Metropolis, just North of the IL/KY border. I didn't understand why until I saw this GIANT statue of Superman. It was so cool. They were having a contest that day to see how many people could dress up as Superman in one location. I hope they broke the record!

Anywho, we've got a nice quiet week coming up here. We're hoping to go to the zoo and hit another local festival or two. The weather is BEA-utiful here and were going to soak it all up!



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